Chapter 17

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It's the last day of the test. I'll get to go home soon! ... But so will Garroth... and he's getting married. I felt a pit in my stomach as I sat up in the bed. I looked over at his sleeping face, and frowned. I'd never get to see that face again as far as I know, and if I did see him he'd end up married, and probably wouldn't even care about me anymore.

I stood up and walked into the bathroom, and stood over the sink and shook my head. Why was even thinking about this right now I mean he's just a boy.

But not just a boy. I loved him and I wasn't even afraid to admit that. He as the first time I'd ever fallen in love. It's kind of scary now that I think about it. I looked at myself in the mirror to see a scared girl who hasn't seen the light in over a month. I felt something rising in my throat, and I spit it out into the sink.


I'm working myself up too much. I sighed, and washed the sink out then washed my hands roughly. I opened the door and saw Garroth changing. I turned away, blushing, forgetting everything that happened between us. I heard him laugh. "It's fine to look now."

I turned around, looking at the ground, silently. "Hey, are you okay?" You look pale.

"I'm fine," I mumbled, sadly.

"Is something wrong? You sound depressed." He asked.

"It's the last day," I looked up slightly. Just enough to see the frown on his face.

"I know... if it makes you feel better I could visit you in Met-"

"No. It would just upset me. Knowing you'll be married and all." I sighed running my hand through my hair.

"Are you sure you're okay? I mean you sound pretty rough too."

"I'M FINE!" I snapped. I felt my stomach churn. I took a deep breath, and walked into the kitchen, and got a glass of water and drank it down quickly. I took another deep breath.

"You're not... pregnant... right?"

"No. I'm just getting nervous. Making myself sick without trying," I sighed looking at him. He nodded, and walked over to me, and pulled me into a hug.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled.

"For what?"

"Doing this to you."

"You mean making me nervous?"

"Something like that," he sighed.

"It's not your fault," I sighed.

"Feels like it."

"Well, try not to think about it. This is the last day we have fighting with each other." He intertwined our fingers, resting his forehead against mine.

"Just so you know you'll always be the love of my life."

"And you'll be mine," I bit my lip, pulling away. "We should get ready this is going to be the hardest test."

"Right." He nodded, looking slightly hurt.

I wouldn't blame him. I've been ignoring his the past few days. I'm kind of scared to see how things turn out. I walked out of the kitchen, and changed into more suitable fighting clothes. Ones that I could move around in. Then I laced up my boots, and stuck my dagger in it, strapped my bow and quiver across my back, and let my sword hang from my waist. I pulled my hair back, tying it into a not so it would stay out of my face.

I took note of Garroth watching my every move, and it irritated me. I bit my lip angrily as I stretched, pulling my sword out, and swinging around a bit. I swung it around then turned to see the tip pointing at Garroth's neck.

"Don't sneak up on my. Understood?" I muttered. I was pretty upset right now, and I guess he finally got that from my tone.

"Uh... right," he scratched his neck awkwardly. I lowered my sword, and sheathed it, silently. Then I faced the wall staring at it very intently.

I heard the door swing open, and I snapped my attention to the guard. I quickly followed him, my pace faster than usual. We were lead to a small door about my size, just barely. I opened the door, and walked through, drawing my sword.

I looked around as I heard the door klink shut.

The area was foggy, but shaped like a plain. I furrowed my eyebrows together, squinting, trying to see what was going on. I heard a small klink to my left, and tossed my sword to Garroth, and pulled out my bow shooting in that direction.

I heard a loud scream. I nodded to myself, but I knew that would attract other people. I snatched my sword from Garroth catching it, quickly and swiftly. I knocked an arrow, and took aim to where I heard pounding steps. I let the arrow fly, and another scream filled the air.

Next thing I know Garroth's at my back fending off several people at a time, as I try to shoot several with my remaining arrows. I knocked the last one aiming it at a young girl. Her scream would forever be branded in my mind.

I shook my head, throwing my bow right at someone to distract then drew my sword, and started to swing violently, people backing up.

I heard whizzing of arrows being fired. I cut them down as they came at me. I felt myself drifting from the safety of Garroth, fighting of as many as I could.

Screams filled my ears like every nightmare filled night. Blood covered my clothes, thicker than water. My mind was on autopilot, and I was becoming a fearless mercenary.

I didn't like this side of me. As I cut through the crowd of what seemed like thousands I forgot about the possibility of someone coming behind me, let alone multiple people.

I felt the cool piercing pain run through me starting at my gut. Then the twisting of the sharp blade before it pulled out from me. I fell to my knees before falling over fully onto the ground.

A single scream pierced the now silent air... and it wasn't mine.

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