Chapter 13

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I sat up after laying in bed for what felt like hours. "WHEN ARE THEY COMING I CAN'T TAKE THE ANTICIPATION!!!" I sighed.

"Calm down. I know you're excited to go kick some butt-"

"Not really, just ready to end this stupid test." I grumbled.

"As I was saying... I know you're ready to go shoot some more giant wolves in the face like a savage and all, but you need to calm down. Okay?"

"Fine." I pouted.

"Aw, what's with the sad look?"

"Mm," I turned so I wasn't looking at him.

"Are you giving me the silent treatment?" He gasped.

"Darn right I am!" I snapped.

"What was that? Did you just talk to me?"

"No. I going to go eat some food." I sauntered over to the kitchen, and pulled out a bunch of bread, and made myself a sandwich... or two. I gobbled them down and fell on the floor.

"OH MY IRENE!!!" I screamed angrily.

"Well, there is something you could do."

"Like what." I asked staring at the wall.

"Practice your sword fighting with me." I looked over at him, and laughed.

"Why would I need to? I'm already an expert."

"Your form says otherwise," he said looking away.

"Excuse me? What's wrong with my form?" I laughed, standing up.

"Just saying it could use some work," he shrugged.

"No it doesn't!" I snapped.

"Then show me!" He snapped back.

"Fine! I will!" I grabbed my sword, and spun around, holding it at his throat. An intense look engraved on my face.

"Well. That's simply too easy."

"What?" I felt a small point press gently against the skin above my heart. I have him a dirty look, and he just grinned.

I quickly kicked up, knocking his sword out of his hand, into the air. I quickly caught it, and dangled it in front of his face. "How'd I do Mr. Your-form-says-otherwise?"

"You did great," he looked astonished.

"What? Didn't think someone as broken as me could be so extremely skilled?"

"It's not that it just... wow."

"I knew what you were doing before you did it," I smiled.


"You made it super obvious."


"Yeah? Wanna practice some more? Maybe you'll get schooled again by a girl." I teased.

"Pfft, I was going easy on you!"

"Really?" I laughed. I kicked his sword back in the air, and caught it on the tip of my foot, and then flipped it to Garroth, who caught it clumsily. He stood up, and faced me.

I swung my sword around, grinning. "You have no idea what this is going to prove!" I smiled.

He swung, and I simply spun out of the way, going to sweep him off my feet, but he jumped, so as he was going back down, I quickly got back up, and pointed the sword at his throat.

He looked angry and irritated. "Something wrong?" I asked.

"Nope," he quickly ducked under my sword knocking my feet off the ground. But I rebounded by doing an ariel, and landing with my sword at the ready. Garroth had an wide eyed look.

I spit to the side, also whipping some hair out of my face. "Come at me!" I laughed.

He charged as I had hoped, and I used my sword to cut his shirt in half, trying to avoid any real damage. Yet he swung wildly at me, and still missed. I chuckled as I held his torn shirt in my hand.

He turned around looking confused. "How?"

"Like I said my friend. I am a expert."

"Did you just learn that over night?"

"My brother taught me," I replied simply.

"What? Really?" He looked amazed.

"Yeah why? Do you want me to teach you?"


"That's a yes, let's go!" I yelled. I ran over to him, and showed him how to stand. "I know you were just in guard academy, but listen to me. Forget everything you learned."


"Sh! Everything you learned... forget all of it. Okay?"

"Okay," he nodded.

"Now close your eyes, and imagine something that calms you."

"Like what?"

"A person, place, color." I listed.

"Okay." He nodded looking relaxed.

"Now imagine that it's rippling, like when you throw a stone in water. You must control the ripples to keep the image clear. From there on out. It's instincts."

"Really?" Garroth opened his eyes, and gave me a weird look.

"Do you trust me or not?"

"I trust you," he laughed.

"Good cause if you didn't I would have punched you. Would you like to try again?"

"Yeah. Okay I think I got it."

"Good." I swung at him, and he blocked. He looked concentrated, but relaxed which is what I was aiming for.

I smiled to myself, and slid between his open legs, and spun around knocking him off his feet, which he rebounded with a somersault.

I jumped to my feet a did a flip that landed me right behind him. I pointed my sword down on his back. He sighed.

"How? I was doing what you told me!" He whined. I sheathed my sword, and sat down in front of him, crisscross.

"Listen Garroth. It's not going to come to you right away. Okay?"

"Sure... how long would it take?"

"At the least three days. Longest... about a month. Unless you're just really dumb... no offense to you." He laughed and swung his arm, and I caught his sword mid swing. "It works too if you have good hearing, seeing. and well just about that one extra sense that tells you you're in danger. That one helps me a lot."

"Really? You didn't seem to be using it during the first few days of training." He grunted.

"I was seeing if you were worthy enough to see my full potential," I smiled.

"Sure okay." He rolled his eyes. I checked the time, and sighed.

"Well, at this rate they're not coming today."

"Good." Garroth yelled, flopping onto the bed.

"Me too!" I laughed.

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