Chapter 3

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I heard a loud beeping noise coming from the ceiling. I opened my eyes, and saw a light flashing in the corner as well. A man walked into the room. "Mr. Ro'Meave, Miss. Zvahl. Please take a moment to get ready. The first section of the test begins today." He left, and I quickly got up and changed into some shorts and a tank top. Then pulled my hair back so it wouldn't distract me.

"What do you think we're doing today?" Garroth asked as he put on a shirt.

"Anything could happen today," I shrugged. "Just expect the unexpected." He grinned.

"Yes, Ma'am!" He saluted. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm younger that yo-"

"Do we know that for sure?" He raised an eyebrow. I sat down, sighing again.

"Seventeen." I glanced at him.

"Darn, I'm eighteen."

"Okay, Sir." I saluted in a mocking way.

"Thanks," he sighed, shaking his head. But it wasn't disapproval, he was laughing. The door opened again.

"You two ready?" The guard asked. I grabbed my sword.

"I am. Garroth?" I looked over as he clipped his sword to his belt and nodded.


"Good. Follow me." We followed him down. Another corridor and he lead us into a small room. It was all white walls, and I suddenly got a bad feeling after they locked the door. I felt myself move slightly closer to Garroth.

"Don't leave my side," he whispered. I grabbed his hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"I won't." Suddenly six panels in the floor opened up and six people climbed out of them, and drew their swords. I quickly drew mine and Garroth did the same. "Do you think we'll have to kill them?" I watched as one of them aimed an arrow at us, and let it fly, I quickly pushed us down so we were both able to dodge it.

"I guess so," Garroth whispered.

I gulped and one of them charged at me, and I swung my sword, slicing them in the stomach then stabbing them in the heart. I felt something inside of me shaking. I was quickly distracted from that by the archer aiming another arrow at us. I grabbed the other man's sword, and threw it at the archer, and I could feel the warm blood of his splash onto me. I felt like I was going to be sick, but I had one more to kill. He ran at me, and I swung, but he dodged, and kicked me in the gut, which stalled me for a moment, but I kicked back, harder, and stabbed him in the stomach. More blood splashed onto me.

I fell to my knees, dropping my sword, hand shaking, lips quivering.

I just killed three people.

I heard another sword drop, and a hand on my shoulder. I felt tears running down my cheeks.

"(Y/N)? Are you okay?" I tried to respond, but all that came out was my choking cries. I whipped the tears away, but covered my face in blood during the process.

"Is it over?" I whispered.

"I think-" he was cut off by the walls starting to move in on us. I suddenly felt small and helpless. I curled up tightly, and Garroth hugged me. "We're gonna find a way out of this," he whispered. I nodded and he let go. I looked up and saw him grabbing swords. He tossed one to me, and I caught it.

"What's this for?"

"Jam the walls, maybe they'll stop," he yelled shoving the sword into the corner of the room. I took mine and did the same. After we jammed as many as we could the walls stopped moving. I smiled faintly, and Garroth walked over to me. "Are you okay?"

"Not really. I just killed three people today, all innocent."

"They were going to kill you though!" He exclaimed.

"Better one than three," I shrugged. I could tell that what I had just said was bothering him.

"Well... okay." The door opened back up and the guard was standing there with a smile on his face.

"Good job you two." He took us back to the room where I took a shower, and changed into some fresh clothes, and threw away the bloody ones. I sat on my bed and drew with a loose piece of paper and a pencil. I wasn't good, but I liked to draw. Garroth was reading, and he looked over at me.

"Whatcha doing?" I threw the paper in the trash and laid down.

"Nothing," I mumbled.

"Can I get you anything?" He asked.

"No, nothing you do can help me now." I sighed, tracing designs not the blanket. I pulled it up over my chin. "I'm just tired I guess."

"Okay," he nodded and went back to his book. I curled up and fell asleep.

Blood was sprinkled across the floor, bodies littered the ground, and I was standing on the top of them all. I was responsible for many deaths, many families would be heartbroken. I just took away several lives instead of letting one go.


I woke up quickly as Garroth shook me. "Hey. You were crying."

"Sorry. I was just dreaming about... earlier," I whispered. He nodded.

"Okay, well I'm going to lay down," he turned to leave, but I grabbed his arm.

"Please don't leave me." I watched as blush started to spread across his face.

"W-Wouldn't that be weird for you? We just met."

"It's f-fine with me." I blushed.

"Okay." He pulled the cover up, and slid into the bed next to me and he looked embarrassed. I curled up against him and he, hesitantly, wrapped his arms around me.

"I feel a lot safer now," I mumbled.

"Me too," he whispered. I smiled a small, non happy smile, and closed my eyes. I could hear his heartbeat, it was kind of fast which was silly. I felt a little better when I was greeted by a dreamless sleep.

*****Yo, sorry about not updating on Saturday, I got busy and forgot, it's called babysitting. XP

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