Chapter 3

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Marco in mm for all those who forgot.


I roll over in bed but the spot next to me is empty and cold. I run my hand down my face opening my eyes remembering that I slept alone.

I get out of bed and head to the bathroom to do my morning routine then changing out of my booty shorts for some longer ones.

The time reads 6:30 and I decide to go check on Vecko. I enter his room and he's in his bed sucking his thumb laying and just looking.

"Morning baby." I smile at him when I enter the room.

"Moning.You ome "

" Yes. I got home but you were sleeping last night. I missed you sooooooooo much." I say dramatically and he smiles.

"Bubi?" He asks

"Daddy's sleeping.. How about I get you cleaned up and then we have some breakfast and chill." I suggest.

"Yeah, pacake?"He sits up.

"Yeah, you can have pancakes baby. Let's go brush your teeth."

I take his hand in mine and lead him to the bathroom and brush his little teeth before changing him out of pampers and putting him in some briefs and shorts. He normally sleeps in pampers because he doesn't get up in the night to pee.

"Mommy lady in woom dowstaiws." He says as we walk hand in hand to the kitchen baby.

"I know baby." I sigh.

I swear to God Marco doesn't even understand how that shit angered me. I'm not even trying to get into it with him again. It's his house, he can do what he pleases.

"Bubi!" Vecko runs letting go of my hand when he spots Marco in the kitchen.

"Good morning." he lifts Vecko pecking the side of his head and putting him on the counter to face him.

"Morning baby." He looks over at me and I mumble a quick morning.

"Pacakes pease? " Vecko looks to the cupboard.

"Yeah, I'll make it." Marco says when I move towards the cupboard and I nod before stepping back.

"Are you still mad at me?" He turns to look at me and I give him the look that says what the fuck do you think.

"It's YOUR house you can do what you want." I shrug

"Baby, listen I'm sorry, I truly am. I know thought about what you said and it was really shitty of me to invite her into OUR HOME without consulting you." He says holding my stare.

"Honestly, I don't even care no more do what you wanna but she got three strikes and if she even looks at Vecko the wrong way she's out." I say leaving no space for further discussion and I can see he wants to say something but he just nods.

"Pacakes" Vecko says looking at between us and I let out a little laugh.

"Yeah, your gonna get your pancakes but daddy talks too much doesn't he?"

"Bubi talk mush. " He repeats looking at Marco confused.

Marco looks and him then at me then back at him with a slight smile.

"How about this? We have a lazy day. I make breakfast them we go back upstairs and kick it for the day." He suggests taking the pancake mix from the cupboard.

"It's your house, you can do what you want to." I shrug being petty and he glares at me.

"Baby go watch cartoons while I make your pancake." He takes Vecko from the counter top.

Street Credits: Love X War 2Where stories live. Discover now