Chapter 15

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Marco's POV

"Play game" Vecko pushes the phone in my face as I try to watch the video Dre sent me.

"Give me a sec." I mumble as I watch the person on the video expertly dodge the security cameras.

"Play please." Vecko begs and I sigh shutting down the laptop. I've watched the video three times and I have no idea who has been sneaking in and out of the trap house. The only thing that any of the cameras caught is their back.

"We playing one game then you going to take a shower cause you stink." I tell him scrunching up my face and he nods.

I sit with him between my legs playing best fiends for about 20 minutes then he starts to get restless and fidgety.

"Ready to get a shower?" I ask locking my phone and throwing it on the bed beside us.

"Can we go pak after?" He looks at me hopeful.

"Yeah, we can go to the park. " I lift him from the bed walking to the bathroom.

I strip him out the clothes and put him the tub. I turn the knob on and forgot the shower was on so the water gushes out startling him. He screams and tries to climb out but I hold him in.

"I'm sorry." I laugh at his horrified expression.

"I tell mommy on you." He states in matter of fact tone and my smile falls.

"I'll just wet up mommy too." I try to joke but my voice comes out flat.

"Nuh uh." Vecko laughs and I just keep quiet.

I wash him up and wash his hair in under ten minutes without saying anything else. I wrap a towel around him and lead him to his bedroom to get dressed. Once he's dressed we walk back hand in hand to my room.

"Bubi?" He asks when I sit him on the bed.

"Hmm?" I answer searching for a shirt to put on.

"When mommy come home?" He asks and my mind freezes.

How do you tell a three year old that is mom is dead? How do you explain to him that she's never coming back?

"I- How about you go downstairs and wake up uncle Reggie so we can get some ice-cream?" I change the subject and he jumps down from the bed and runs out the door.

It's the times when your alone that the pain hits you the most. The times when there is nobody with you that the loneliness creeps up and wraps itself around you like thorns piercing your skin.

I pull a shirt over my head and I don't even bother to change the sweatpants I'm in. I push my feet in some J's and head downstairs with my phone and keys in hand.

"You been to Jamaica" I hear Reggie asking Vecko.

"Nope." He pops the p

"Well how about I take you the when I'm going back home?" He asks and I walk in the living room.

"Can bubi come too?" He looks over at me then at Reggie

"Hmmm..." He trails off like he's thinking. "Only if he buys us food."

"He buy food." Vecko pipes up and Reggie smirks at me.

"How you just gon' suggest that amma buy food without asking me?"

"Cah you money in wallit" He points at my pocket

"Did you put money in my wallet?" I raise a brow at him and he answers with a no.

Street Credits: Love X War 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora