Chapter 7

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"What do we know about her?" I look around the table.

"Her parents died about four years ago and she's been MIA ever since."  A new guy on the team named Samuel says.

"What part of every fucking detail do you not understand?" I look at him. "D talk to me."

"Her name is Ziomara Akeelia Taylor. She grew up out here in Atlanata, she use to fuck round with Marco when she was 17 until he found out. About 7 years ago her parents had to go into hiding because they owed Damien money until 4 years ago when her parents died she went MIA until now." D briefs me.

"So what are the important questions we have right now?" I look around my eyes landing on Angelina.

"Who killed her parents? Why she went into hiding and why she's out?" she points out.

"And who she's working for because there is no way in hell she just got out of hiding and being all brave if she ain't working for somebody." I add in.

"How do you know she's working for somebody? What if she just decided to get out of hiding?" Samuel asks.

"Why the fuck is he even here? Get out." I say nonchalantly.

These meetings are normally held between my small circle which comprises of Angelina, D, Andre, Marco and Tommy when he's out here so I don't know why the hell that dude was in here.

"I need the answers to these questions tomorrow." I dismiss the meeting.

"Hey did you ever take out those cameras out of your house?" Angelina says after everyone leaves.

"No. Why?" I didn't even remember about those. We put them up after we had Vecko as a precaution.

"Maybe the camera caught that bitch slipping."

"Maybe." I answer.

"Do you really think Marco cheated?"

"I saw the video with my own two eyes." I roll my eyes at her.

"I don't know. I just don't think he's that type of guy." She seems to be in deep thought. "Did you even hear him out?"

"There's nothing to listen to I saw it all." My voice becomes hard and my glare strong.

"So are you still going to the club?" She changes the subject and I'm glad cause it doesn't matter how close we are she was just about to catch a bullet.

"Yeah, I need to go check things out for myself can't be too trusting of other people." Normally Marco does the check ups on the clubs and shit but I'll check for myself tonight.

"Aiite I'm going to head home, I'm tired."

"No you not, you just trynna jump on Dre's dick cause he back."

"Ain't that the truth." she laughs

"You bet put my baby to bed before you do nasty! Don't need him hearing all that." I scowl and she laughs.

"Aiite I'll see you later. " We exit the building together and part ways at our cars.

As I drive my mind keeps wandering off to Marco and I can finally let my guard down. People expect you to keep a straight face and be unfazed but when you've been with somebody for almost eight years it's not that easy.

I pull up in the parking lot of Xplosion and step out into the night air. The breeze assaults my face and I sigh brushing the thoughts of Marco to the back of my mind, putting back up my mental block.

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