Chapter 11

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Marco's POV

"I'm never bringing you back to the supermarket with me ever again." I tell Vecko strapping him in his car seat and he grins at me.

I open the driver door and situate my self in the seat then pull out of the parking lot.

We were in the supermarket working with the list Alli gave me but when we reached the cashier none of the things I picked up were in the trolley. Evecko took them out and there was all sorts of candy and snacks sitting in the trolley. When I went back to the snack aisle all the things I picked up were on the floor and I even had to pay for the eggs he broke.

"I boss." He shouts and I raise a brow at him through the mirror.

"So if you're the boss who am I?"

"Punk.!" He throws his hands up in the air.

"No you di punk that's why ammo take that race car bed out yuh room and you gon' sleep on di floor."

"No, I seep wid mommy. You seep on floor." He throws back at me and I roll my eyes.

"Dey go stuck." He says referring to my eyes cause I always tell Alli that when she rolls her eyes at me.

I swear this kid thinks he's older than two always got something to say with his slick mouth. Just wait till he gets older. He gon' be missing a few teeth.

"Keep talking and you ain't gon' have no teeth by the time we reach home." I threaten him and he giggles like its the funniest thing in the world.

I pull up in the drive way and step out unbuckling him from the car seat, placing him on his feet.

"Come help me to carry all em candy you got." I say opening the trunk to get the bags.

"Punk!" He shouts running in the house and leaving me with all the damn bags.

I make two trips from the car to kitchen and by the time I'm done carrying all the bags Vecko is standing in front of me shirtless and smiling.

"Catoon pease?"

"Change first."

He stretches his hands for me to take and when I do he pulls me up the stairs and to his room.

I pull some khaki shorts and a marina from his draw for him to put on.

"Socks or no socks?" I ask taking off his shoes.

"No tocks."

I pull the socks from his feet and then proceed to put on his shorts and top.

He jumps from the bed and shoots of down stairs to watch TV I presume.

I walk across the hall and into my bedroom to look for Alli but I hear the shower running.

I sit on the edge of the bed pulling my shoes from my feet and taking off my shirt. I walk to the bedroom door and lock it.

Evecko bet not want nothing for the next half an hour.

I step out of my pants and boxers before creeping my way into the bathroom. I pull back the shower curtain stepping in behind her and wrapping my hands around her waist.

"I was wondering if you were gonna join me." I could here the smile in her voice.

"Aren't you just a horny little monster now-a-days." I laugh at her.

I pull her body flush against mine and I dip my head in her neck sucking and nibbling on the sensitive flesh which earns me a moan.

I remove my head and just stand behind her making sure my breaths touch her neck. The slight twitch of her ears and shiver doesn't go unnoticed by me.

Street Credits: Love X War 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora