Chapter 6

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Too updates in one day? Am I the best or am I the best?
Marco's POV

Guilt is almost like smoke, it clothes your insides with dark clouds squeezing you for all the oxygen in your body; Suffocating, that's the word I'm looking for.

Smiling in her face but at the same time I have to be lying behind her back is the worst thing.

"What are you doing today?" Alli kisses down my chest.

"I can think of a few things." I smile at her but I know it doesn't reach my eyes.

"What's wrong you've been in a foul mood for a couple days now?" She sits up looking at me with concern.

The mere fact that I can barely look her in the eye. I cannot even make love to her because I keep on seeing the pictures of Mara in our bed.

"It's nothing really, I have to go to the club though." I tell her getting out of bed.


I watch as he shuffles around the room and I pull my feet to my chest as I rest my back against the head board watching him.

I really don't know what I did wrong that fact that he can't even touch me, he won't even look at me hurts even more than he thinks.

He leaves the room without even saying goodbye to me and I don't think I can feel any lower than I do now.

My phone rings knocking me out of my thoughts.

"Hello." My voice comes out raw with emotions.

"Hey Lil mama wassup? Where Marco at?" I hear Andre's voice.

"Hey Dre he left for the club a couple minutes ago. Call his phone."

"I've been doing that and I still ain't getting him." He says and I see the phone on the dresser.

"He left the phone home Dre."

"Ok. Well I need a number from his phone. I think it's saved as contractor."

"Ok, I'll send it to you." I say hanging up.

I take his phone from the dresser and I see about 20 missed calls. 3 are from Dre and the rest are from a number that reads do not answer. I clear the screen before opening the phone and sending the contact to Dre. A message pops up from Do not answer and I open the chat to see a series of messages from sometime last week straight back to yesterday.

Do Not Answer [3:33pm]- Are you coming by today?

Do Not Answer [12:04am]- So you just finna ignore my calls and text

Do Not Answer [7:06 am]- How about I tell wifey about how I was up in em sheets under you.

Do Not Answer [5:00am]- Fuck you Marco! You just gonna ignore me.?

Do Not Answer [7:23am]- Marco baby I'm sorry I really do love you.

Do Not Answer [1:02pm]- How about I send wifey this Lil video?

The last text had a video attachment and I opened it only to be greeted with Marco and Ziomara having sex in our bed.

I clench my teeth as I feel the tears well up in my eyes and I bite my lip trying to conceal them. The stinging sensation around and throughout my heart makes me drop the phone and cover my mouth with my hands. The tears start to fall as the betrayal stings into my insides.

"Why try to hold on when eventually you're going to let go?" he mumbles and I pick up on the double meaning.

"What if I've made up my mind to hold on and never let go?" I keep my head on his chest not daring to look in his eyes.

Street Credits: Love X War 2Where stories live. Discover now