Chapter 13

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Marco's screams and shouts dances in the hallways of the hospital as the sound of glass shattering comes from the direction he is.

His screams echo through the empty halls as Dre tries to restrain him from doing something he'll regret.

I wipe the tears falling freely and look over at Angelina who is no longer crying but guilt imprints itself on her face.

Evecko's babysitter,Ms. Frankson, came to get him and I'm glad she did because he couldn't manage the chaos that's breaking out.

Angelina gets up and walks out of the hospital with her head down. Her clothes still bloodied and her eyes swollen from crying too hard.

Marco's shouts get louder but you can also hear his sobbing as he screams out his agony.

"No!! No!!!" He shouts and everything goes completely quiet.

I slowly ease myself out of the chair and make my way to the room. I open the door and the only stable thing in the room is AJ laying on the bed. The tables and utensils are scattered all over, broken glass shattered on the floor and chairs overturned.

Marco is curled up in a corner just looking at nothing in particular until his eyes find mine and you can see the storm swirling. His eyes are rimmed with red and you can see his teeth print in his lip from biting into them.

Marco's POV

I stand under the running water as it beats itself into my skin . The pain of loosing someone you love is tougher than you can ever imagine. Her scent still lingers in the house and almost everything reminds me of her.

"Bubi!?" Vecko shouts coming in the bathroom and I peek my head out of the shower.

"Uncle D downstairs." He tells me and I nod.

"I'll be right down." I answer him but he doesn't move.

"Ok?" he asks sounding concerned.

"Yeah, I'm OK. " I answer and I swear this little boy is my only reason for living right now.

"Ok." He smiles then exits.

I turn of the shower and grab a towel drying myself and step out of the bathroom and into the room.

I quickly dress in some sweatpants and a white T-shirt. For the last month Alli has been wearing my clothes none stop. I barely have clothes in my drawer because all of them are in hers.

"Wassup goon?" I dap up D

"I'm here. How you holding up?" he asks when I sit on the couch opposite of him.

"I'm good, gotta do what I gotta do." I answer

But my mind screams at me telling me I'm a liar but what do you expect? I lost my life partner. The person I spent the last 7 years of my life with.

"I know you grieving and shit, hell I am too but we need to get this nigga. So what's the plan?" He asks and I look at him confused.

"Get who? Wait, you know who did this?" I ask calmly cause honestly I've used up all my anger and sadness and happiness is the one thing I know won't resurface.

"It gotta be Twayne, who else?"

"Twayne??" I ask very confused.

"She didn't tell you did she?"

"Tell me what?"

He sighs shaking his head and mumbling stuff under his breath.

"A while back we found out that twayne, the nigga who use to hang with freshh back in the day, was working with Ziomara and she told me she told you and you guys were handling the situation on your own but I should have known better." He shakes his head.

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