Chapter 12

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Marco's POV

"Remember to bring me tiggas." Alli's voice comes through the phone as I answer.

"Well damn, hello to you too babe." I greet her.

"I'm sorry." She laughs. "I'm missing you though."

"How my babies doing?"

"There good, Vecko right here eating fruit snacks and Lil Mama kicking."

I've been in Jamaica for the past two days sorting out the club that's about to open. Alli is now four months pregnant and Vecko turned three last month. We also moved in our new home a couple months back.

We found out that we're going to be having a girl and I'm just dreading the amount of Lil boys I'll have to kill.

"Lemmie talk to Vecko."

"Bubi?" His little voice sounds a couple seconds after.

"Hey baby, are you being good for mommy?"

"Uh uh, Mommy beat me."

"What did you do?" I change my voice from friendly to stern.

"Pit on uncle D." His voice is low.

I try to hold my laugh cause D deserves to get spit on. He's always troubling Vecko so I won't even scold him.

"Let me to talk back to mommy."

"Mad at me?" I hear his little voice crack.

"No baby, I'm not mad at you but don't do that again. It's not nice." I try to sooth him and I hear him sniffle.

"Lob you Bubi."

"I love you too little man."

"Porever and Alway." he tries to imitate.

"Forever and always. " I laugh at him.

"I won't be able to make it back tonight but I'll be home tomorrow for sure." I tell Alli when she comes back in the phone.

I hope she doesn't gets mad because we all know how these pregnancy hormones go.

"Ok, just remember my tiggas." Tiggas is a snack- cheese trix- that she's in love with. "We're going out with Ange so we're going to get ready now, I'll talk to you later."

"Wait while you out I want you to stop by the club and look in the safe there's a paper that says share holders I want the names of them." I instruct her.


"Aiite, I'll text you later baby. I love and miss you."

"Forever and Always."

Angelina's POV.

"Anybody home?" I yell walking into Aliyah and Marco's home.

"Aunie Ange." Vecko comes running down the stairs in some sweatpants and a T-shirt and with his J's on his feet. He got a hair cut and I know Marco is going to flip when he comes back and sees his hair but honestly it's cuter like this.

The sides and faded and a curly Mohawk stands in the middle with his line up that was done by Jesus him self.

"Ready?" Alli comes down the stairs in a sweatshirt dress and some Grey sneakers to match and she looks pregnant and cute.

She stops and ties vecko's shoelaces and then we all head out. We decide to take her car since it already has the car seat in it.

"Marco is going to kill you when he comes back and sees Evecko's hair." I laugh when she turns unto the high way.

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