Chapter 25

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Today November 17 is my bday!! I'm 18 guys!!


Marco came to bed last night smelling like hard liquor. He couldn't even form a proper sentence when I asked him where he's been. I don't even know when we got home, or as much of home that D's house is for the time being. The last thing I remember is closing my eyes in the car.

Yet still I woke up to an empty bed this morning. No husband and it's just nine in the morning.

I take a quick shower and change into one of his basketball shorts and a shirt with my hair in a high ponytail.

I walk into the room Vecko is sleeping in to see him just laying there looking at nothing in particular.

"Are you OK? " I ask sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Yeah." He smiles at me.

"Ready for a bath?" I ask tickling him. His little giggles fill the room and his hands wiggles and he kicks his feet.

"Noooo." He whines.

"Ewwwwww your breath stinks."
I scrunch up my nose at him.

"Ahhh!" He blows his breath in my face and I pretend to gag. He got that from Marco. They're always walking around blowing their nasty breaths in peoples' face.

"Nasty!" I shout pointing at him and he laughs.

I remove my self from his bed and pull out his draw to get him some clothes. After getting his clothes he receives his bath.

"What's for breakfast?" I ask sitting him on the counter and opening up the cupboard doors. The only thing that is in these cupboards are ramen noodles. D really needs to learn how to cook. "Ramen noodle it is." I mumble taking out two.

"Mommy sissies OK?" Vecko asks as I turn to the stove.

"Yes they are." I smile at him. I love the relationship he has with the babies even though they aren't here yet. He'll make a wonderful big brother.

"Touch?" He asks stretching out his hands.

"Sure." I answer turning to him and lifting my shirt. His little hands roam my stomach and just like that one of the babies kick. He jolts back his hand and looks at me with a shock expression and I laugh until his eyes start to water.

"What's wrong baby?" I ask cupping his cheek.

"I hurt baby." His bottom lip wobbles and tears escape his eyes.

"No you didn't. It's normal, they were just playing." I wipe his cheeks.

"Play in tummy?" He looks so confused it's cute.

"Yeah, play in tummy. You use to play in my tummy too."

"And so do I. " Marco smirks from the kitchen door way and I roll my eyes at him.

"Bubi!" Vecko screams

"No need to be shouting lil midget." Marco says taking him in his arms and kissing his forehead.

He always comes up with the most random names to call my child sometimes yet Vecko adores the ground he walks on.

"Don't call my child a midget." I look at him with a blank face.

"You know I love you right midget?" Marco asks Vecko and like the little naive boy he is he giggles then stuffs his face I'm his father's neck.

"You play in mommy tummy too?" Vecko looks from my belly to Marco then at me.

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