The apartment

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Violet pov
Sighing I unlock the door to my apartment , walking in placing the keys on the side . Luke walks in after me taking off his shoes , he's so polite .

I follow a suit , taking off my shoes and putting my bag down in the small kitchen . Luke takes a seat on the chair at the breakfast bar , looking around curiously .

He says " this is nice! Do you live with anyone else?" I shake my head say " it's just me " . Luke's eyes widen says " sounds lonely Vi , do you have a part time job?" .

I nod pulling out things out of my bag placing them on the table in front of us asking " um do you want a drink? Water? Or anything?" . He says " no its okay I'm not hungry or anything thank you though " smiling a little .

Luke gets up from the chair going towards the living room , then towards a spare room which has a bathroom attached to it . There's my room also with a bathroom attached to it .

I walk into my room noticing Luke looking at the collection of photos on my wall with my bed against that wall . Lights hang off the wall above the bed , a desk sits in the corner with my laptop on and other things .

He smiles at the photos says " i like this " referring to the photos , I say " that one is my last family photo of me and my parents " pointing to it . Luke says " you look happy " looking back at me .

I nod whisper " we were " sounding sad , he laced his hand with mine sitting on my bed . Luke says " tell me about them I've told you about mine " making eye contact with me .

Sighing I say " okay my mum was a doctor . Dad was a business man stayed home as my mum couldn't . One night ...they were driving home dad went to pick up my mum like every night . Leaving me home , i was 16 at the time . The ice caused them to crash into the side of a wooden bridge and .."

Luke pov
Violet cuts off her words not wanting to finish , I see tears in her eyes . I pull her closer to me , to comfort her .

She says " I remember being on the phone with them ..on the night mum laughing at my dad .... and it happened " . I rub her back whisper " shh don't carry on Vi you don't need to it's okay I'm sorry for what happened " .

She nods wiping her tears , like this just lifted whatever weight she had been carrying around . If only I knew , i could of got her through it all .

Violet leans into my chest , snuggling into my arms I wrap them around her letting Violet know I'm here . She smiles alittle putting her hands against my chest holding onto my shirt .

I whisper " shall we do the project tomorrow and watch films now instead?" Knowing she's probably not gonna want to do some stupid project right now .

Violet nods I scoop her up into my arms walking to the living room . She snuggles as close as she can get into me , looking tired .

I whisper " do you want me to leave so you can sleep or have time alone?" She shakes her head whispers " please stay " . Not wanting to leave her alone after this I nod rubbing her back , reassuring her I'm going to stay .

Violet's breathing slows down , meaning she's falling asleep . I move her so I can sleep as well , forgetting about practice . She needs me here .

Writer's note : aw ain't this cute? I will update this story more and gone too . The Jack glinsky I think I will delete , not sure might make a different story based on him . Night fan girls/boys .

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