Green Day

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Luke pov
Violet rests between my legs , I hold her tightly whilst talking to the guys .
She moves a bit but I don't let her go to far , whisper in her ear " you okay babe?" .

I look back up at the guys still paying attention to them , Violet nods when I look back down at her . Kissing her head , I feel her relax from being tense .

Maybe it was the fact I called her babe instead of Vi , am I going to fast? What am I doing wrong? Violet bites her lip looking up at me , kissing me on the jaw .

I smile a little noticing how Michael is staring at us , Calum says " soooo what we gonna do for our next performance?" .

Violet asks " do you guys do covers?" Ashton says " not yet why?" She smiles says " just an idea that's all " . I say " we could do a Green Day cover I guess " Violet's eyes widen with excitement .

Michael says " sounds like an idea " Calum smiles , Violet says " well I'm gonna go home " . I say " at 12? No your not unless I walk you home " she smiles says " your walking me home then " .

I grab my phone from the side , grabbing Violet's bag going out the front door of my house . Grabbing her hand we walk down the street going straight to her small apartment .

Sometimes leaving her in the apartment worries me not because she can't defend herself I know she can . But because of the type of people around this area .

Violet pov
We arrive at my apartment , I drop my bag down by the front door putting the keys down on the kitchen side . Luke stands by the door , he says " you okay here? Or do you want me to stay with you?" .

I wouldn't mind him staying it makes me feel safer then I do when he isn't here . Grabbing a cup of tea , I say " if you want to stay you can " he wraps his arms around me says " il stay " .

Luke kisses my forehead , I snuggle up on the sofa taking in the warmth from the cup . He pulls me into his arms grabbing a blanket sliding it around my shoulders .

I put my cup of tea down on the table , wrapping my arms around Luke who smiles . He whispers " cold?" I nod trying to get closer to him when I can't I'm already really close .

Luke chuckles whispers " sleep il still be here " I shake my head but my eyes drift shut anyway .

*Warning night terror & upsetting scene*

I hear screams , straight away I run into the direction it's coming from . Luke lays on the floor coughing up blood , the room smells of vomit .

Pulling him into my arms I say " no! Hey! Stay with me! Please!" Breaking down into sobs . He grabs my hand says " no matter what ..this ...wasn't ..
your fault ..I .." .

Luke cuts off his words making me scream out for help , for anyone to help me . He vanishes from my arms .

Voices chant
' murder '
' it's your fault '
' you did this! I've lost my best friend because of you selfish bitch '
' I hate you '
' go die '

I let out screams until it stops , someone yells " Vi! Wake up! It isn't real! I'm right here!" . Cries fill my ears but I can't get out the voices still are shouting at me .

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