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Luke Pov
The doctor had now done all the tests , I'm tapping my foot against the floor getting nervous . Violet notices grabbing my hand , I sigh kissing it .

The guys had left the hospital saying they would be back tomorrow . I take sips of hot chocolate waiting for the doctor to come .

He eventually steps into the room says " sorry for the wait um could i take a minute with Violet please?." I say " no tell me as well please " pleading with him .

The doctor nods says " I'm sorry to say this but we've found a tumour um usually there is no signs but since you've been ill it's ruled out ." I blink before I can even process this , will she still be able to tour with us though.?

He says " Violet said how your going on to tour for now that's okay but wherever you go your going to need to attend doctor appointments still etc ." I nod the doctor leaves the paper on the side for us to read through .

But I can't even think or begin to imagine how Violet is feeling right now . Tears rise in her eyes , I get off my chair sitting next to her wrapping my arms around Violet .

She cries into my chest , wishing it wasn't real but it is . For now I'm not going to let her think she can't do anything because we'll fight it together.

I say " hey it's okay we'll do this together promise " she looks up at me nods a little . Violet isn't dying she's just been stuck with this doesn't mean she can't get through it .

Using my thumb I wipe away her tears rubbing her back with my hands , eventually she falls asleep . Give me love plays by ed Sheeran on the radio , I start singing quietly to her .

My phone buzzes but I ignore it , focusing on Violet that's all I need is her . I pull the blanket over the both of us , turning off the light .

Violet Pov
It's funny how in a blink of an eye everything can just fall . It can be stolen from you , that one thing you had just gone .

It's been 3 weeks on tour , we left after the few appointments I went to . They still think there's a chance I'll be okay but I don't think I will .

Luke hasn't stopped giving me every thing he can , the fact I've got cancer hasn't stopped him giving me the world like he used to . I smile at the thought of that .

That no matter what happens he'll still be here and still be telling me it's okay when it's not . Even when it's not it doesn't mean forever it won't be okay again .

I swallow down my meds with the drink given to me , Luke decided to get me on milkshakes etc . I don't mind it to be honest I'd rather him try then give up on us .

After taking my meds I head to the bunk bed , moving his penguin out of the way my eyes dropping slightly . Luke rushes towards me like every day , he kisses my head whispers " sleep ."

But I don't , I trace shapes on his wrists noticing how scars are there but no fresh ones have been done . Wait how many weeks has he been clean?? My eyes widen at his wrists .

Luke smiles a little whispers " I know " I hit him on the arm whisper " could of told me! I'm so happy!." He whispers " couldn't with everything but I'm happy too " I smile kiss his cheek .

Michael whispers " why we whispering for?" I chuckle whisper " don't know! " he smiles . He whispers " night " kissing my head , Luke seems unfazed he knows I only want him .

Luke whispers " ill sleep on the floor " I shake my head whisper " if penguin can fit so can you ." He nods sliding in the bunk next to me , his arms wrap around me .

I whisper " I love you " but obviously he didn't hear it as his soft snores happen against my neck . Cuddling into his chest , I kiss his neck holding onto the toy penguin .

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