Chapter 5: Homefront Aftermath

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The league is at the watchtower when Batman, who's at the computer, gets a message from Alfred "Yes?" the Bat asks and Alfred says "You got an SOS signal here, it came from the mountain" "The cave? Did you try to contact whoever it was?" he asks and the butler says "Yes, but I only got static", Batman ends the call and calls in all the mentors "We have a problem, we can't reach the cave, the bat cave got an SOS, but all that's coming back is static". Everyone looks at the others and Black Canary walks over, she had become a sort of mentor to Amber "I tried the zeta tubes, they're down" she says, this worries everyone more "Give me a moment" Batman says and after a long 5 minutes he says "They're online again", that being said they go and the sight that awaits them shocks everyone, arrows and bat-a-rangs along with bird-a-rangs lays scattered and broken, Batman moves over to a black piece of a uniform "Shadow's cape, whatever happened was serious" he says showing it to the others "Heat and motion sensors are offline" Flash says and he adds "We could follow the destruction and see where we end up", after going through the cave it's clear that whatever battle it was, it a was a losing one, the problem was that most places were in ruins, besides the rooms, but the kids weren't there, that would be too obvious, after looking around Flash speeds of, unable to wait any longer, he quickly scans the entire cave and stops upon arriving at the hangar and he taps his com "Flash to the others, you should come to the hangar, quickly" he says before running over to Kid Flash, the others arrive and quickly go to their respective charges, Batman going to Robin and Raven, who were close to each other "This place is worse then the rest of cave combined" Green Arrow says as Black Canary picks up Raven "Let's bring them to med bay" she says. When everyone is in the med bay, which had been spared, for the most part they start waking up one by one "Ugh" Robin says and he sits up quickly coughing "Robin it's alright" Batman says and the boy wonder looks around to see the rest of the team, but his eyes land on Raven "She's alright, but she got an electric shock" Black Canary says, Kid Flash wakes up next, it had taken a while for him and Connor to be freed, he sees Robin and asks "Dude, what happened?" "Red Tornado remember?" Raven asks quietly, but the two hear it "What exactly happened?" Batman asks once everyone is awake and sitting up "Well Robin, Artemis and I came here after school, not sure why Artemis was in Gotham though, but back to the story, when I got here Artemis pushed me down and we were fighting androids" Shadow starts and Superboy tells what happened in the hangar "We made our way through the entire mountain, or so it felt, but when we finally had a plan we couldn't complete the circuit of the EMP that Robin and Kid Flash had put together, well Robin with KF's help, when Robin was down I jumped down and hid, they didn't see me at first so I started sending signals to the bat cave, they noticed me and told me to come out, I finally figured out how that thing worked and well started fighting them, of course the shocks backfired because I was soaking wet" "Then the robot started choking her and she told me to leave, wait you Batman, she used both devices to shock the robot enough to keep it quiet for a short moment, but she was knocked out cold" After the entire explanation, including with Red Tornado the league looks at each other "Rest up, we each got you an change of clothes" Black Canary says and she closes the curtains around Shadow so she can help the girl "I can't go to school like this" she mumbles allowing BC to help "Then don't" Batman says from the bed next to it. "But Bats" Shadow starts, but start coughing again "Fine" she mumbles "We'll keep watch for tonight, rest up" Batman says and he adds "We'll also try and fix what we can" "I'll stay here" Black Canary says and Flash nods in agreement "You go see the overall damage" Black Canary says, everyone notices that the kids are quiet.

"What now?" Robin asks glancing at the others "We rest up, plan our revenge on those robots, don't know" Raven says pulling her knees to her chest, all the adults besides Black Canary and Flash leave the room, the two staying behind knowing well enough that the kids were talking "But how, they'll never let us go after them" KF points out and everyone nods in agreement "True, but it wouldn't be the first time we disobeyed orders, remember the first time?" Aqualad asks earning a confused look from Artemis, Raven and M'gann "First time we disobeyed order was to investigate Cadmus" Aqualad explains and the three know enough.

The next day when the adults arrive back in the med bay they see Robin, Raven and KF missing, the rest still asleep "They left to play some video games" Black Canary says and she adds "Flash is with them" "Of course" Batman says eyeing the three empty bed "I can understand Kid Flash being up and about, but the other two are normal humans" Wonder Woman says and Batman gives an undetectable smile "They're stubborn" he says and heads towards the main area "So beating you two" they hear both speedsters says, but a creepy cackle sends shivers down everyone's spine, aside from Batman's "You lost" this time it was Raven who snickered at the two, Batman goes in and he sits next to Raven, Robin sitting between the girl and his best friend "Wanna join?" Raven asks and everyone else, including Robin drops he controllers "Rave, it's Batman you're asking that" Robin says earning a nod "I know, that's why I asked" she says hiding a yawn "How long have you been at this?" the Bat asks and the four exchange a glance "Two maybe three hours" Flash says and he adds "But the kids look tired" "You forced us to come along" Robin says rubbing his eyes and KF nods "Yeah uncle Barry, you did, as soon as you they were awake you ushered them to get up and handed them some coffee so they would stay awake "Flash..." Batman says in a threatening voice and the speedster cowards back slightly "Hey you guys can fight it out in my newest game" Robin says and Raven tilts her head "But-", Robin cuts her of with a grin and the girl goes to put them game in before sitting back on her place and leaning against Batman as she slowly dozes off. When the others arrive in the main area a while later they see Raven and Robin asleep, Raven leaning against Batman and Robin leaning against a nearly asleep KF, but what surprises them more is that they see the game controller in the Dark Knight's hand "Let's leave them to it" Black Canary whispers and they all leave to go and fix the rest of the cave,

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