Chapter 9: Time travel part 3

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So during the party Barbara had left with Robin and Shadow "We make a quick sweep through the city and then go back" she says and Robin says "Fine", he really didn't want to be at the party at the moment "But they know Shadow's secret ID, won't they get suspicious?" he asks and Barbara shrugs "They won't, not with the right lie of course" she says and Shadow asks "So the best thing that can happen for Robin and me is finding a villain, shouldn't be that hard", however they stop hearing an explosion behind them "The manor!" Barbara says and she mumbles "Of course they head there now", they go back as soon as possible, but run into the Riddler "Joker was right, two extra pests have shown up" he says looking at the three "Batgirl, go on" Robin says and the girl says "No, you go on, your friends are there, I have a score to settle with this guy", the two young heroes head of, upon arriving at the mansion they see Nightwing had taken action as well and they land next to him "Release them!" Shadow says seeing everyone in electric cages "Do you really think it's that simple?" Joker asks and Nightwing is stopped by Robin "Let me handle the clown" he says and glances around "You two save the prisoners" "Uh Robin... Shadow already went ahead" Nightwing says mentioning to the girl who lands quietly behind the Joker "Ah ah, do that and I will have to kill Bruce Wayne here" he says and all the guests look at the party host, who's cage is way smaller "Just do it!" he says and Shadow quickly scans the house "If I don't you'll kill everyone anyway" she says and kicks the clown against his head  and she trows a bat-a-rang at the power cables cutting them in half "I hope you're as much of a bat as we are" Nightwing says and the Joker hears someone jumps backwards "Because if you aren't then you better leave" Robin says, the curtains were closed so there was no way that he could see anything "I'll just have to guess then!" The Joker says dashing towards where he sees someone, but Robin beats him to it and he grabs the Joker's arm "Bruce, go finish that machine" he says, the Joker sure had become a lot stronger in that 15 year gap "Too weak?" Joker asks, but Shadow tackles the clown to the ground so Nightwing can tie him up before leaving, he had made up the excuse to go to the bathroom earlier, might as well go with it, so he's gone once Alfred turns on the emergency power and everyone slowly gets up "That was amazing for two young heroes like you" a man says as Shadow helps him up, he seems to be around the age that Dick's father would now be "Don't flatter them, dad" the two young kids turn to Dick Grayson who walks over "We were just lucky they were around" he says and Robin looks at Shadow and then at the man "But..." he starts and Artemis says "Your father survived, we got an explanation" "Then what about her?" Wally asks looking at Raven "You saw the graves Wally" she says and shrugs "Maybe in another timeline" she says walking of, although Robin doesn't make a move to follow her "Go on" Dick says and Robin says "No, I'm not emotionally ready for that yet, besides, you go, I wanna talk to you dad".

At the graveyard Shadow sits in front of the three graves putting black lilies in front of them, they always were her and her mother's favorite flowers, she turns when someone walks over and sees it's not Robin, but his older self "How are you feeling Amber?" he asks sitting next to her "Bad, find out Robin's lucky enough and well I'm not, I'm never lucky enough" she says and adds "I didn't know they sold these flowers" "Bruce asked for them a while back, told them he had a way to get them this color" Dick says pulling the girl against him as she starts crying "It's alright" he whispers and Kaldur walks over, helping Bruce with the machine "We're finished" "Why wasn't I buried at the manor?" she asks standing up "It wasn't you home anymore" Bruce says, Robin walks over and says "We can go home and fix this" "I know" Shadow says with a sad smile and Bruce hands her a small box, which she puts in her utility belt "Let's go" Kaldur says and Shadow hugs Bruce before walking to the machine as M'gann starts in, then she notices that everyone is in costume, well obviously for her and Robin, but the others must have changed before coming there.

A bright flash of light brings them back to their own time and the Joker looks shocked and that's even an understatement "But how?!" he asks and Robin crosses his arms "Anyone else got the strange urge to beat him up badly?" he asks and Shadow nods "Oddly", Joker tries to run away, but M'gann lifts him up and drops him above Connor, who punches him knocking him out "Let's dismantle this thing" Kaldur says and Batman says "Leave that to us", he walks over with Green Arrow and Flash "What happened?" Flash asks and he adds "We lost contact with you guys" "I think we traveled to the future" Artemis says and Shadow rubs her head "I remember Joker trying to kill Robin after he stopped in his tracks, shocked, then M'gann got the hint and activated the machine" she says and looks at the two graves that Robin walked too and Batman walks over "At least you weren't killed" he says putting a hand on Robin's shoulder "Go home to rest up" GA says and everyone nods leaving, besides Shadow who walks over to her mentor and best friend "Hey dad... I'm sorry" she says, this surprised everyone still there "It's alright, as long as no one else finds out" Batman says earning a slight smile "Wally's too stupid, Kaldur won't tell anyone if he finds out and Connor just thinks you've been training me for a while and that's in a coincidence" Robin says and he smiles "But let's go home" "GA, Flash, dismantle this machine, it shouldn't work a day, so work quickly, also Shadow, you're not grounded anymore" "I wouldn't have minded, I kinda did deserve it" she mumbles and jumps on the Dark Knight's back "Piggyback ride!" she says earning a smile from the man.

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