Chapter 13: Circus

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A few days after the trip Batman told everyone to meet up at the mountain after school, so they did "Why did we have to bring these?" M'gann asks looking at her watch and Batman walks in "So I can upgrade them" he says making Robin and Raven look at each other "But Batman, you didn't make them" Shadow says putting her watch on the table and Connor looks at her "Now that explains a lot" he says and Batman sighs "Yes Connor you're correct, Shadow Raven is Amber, which most of you found out already" he says, so Shadow takes of her mask "Yep" she says rubbing the back of her head "That really explains a lot" Wally says.

So once the watches are upgraded everyone puts them on "For your next mission you'll be going to the circus" Batman says and he quickly adds "Not because of Zucco" "I doubt we'll go there to have fun" Connor says and Batman says "You'll be going undercover as new members of the circus, we have reason to believe that there are criminals hiding there" "Bats, criminals aren't that stupid" Shadow says while trying a few things with her watch "Other then that you can consider it training, like teamwork, agility and such" Batman says and he adds "You can work out the details by yourself".

So Batman leaves and everyone plops down on the couch "The circus... never thought I'd be going back that soon" Shadow says and she sighs "Well at least it's not Zucco" Artemis says and she adds "Or Batman is hiding something from us" "He is hiding something from us" Robin says earning a sighs "Let's just work out the details, I'll go on the trapeze with Shadow, Artemis can go knife trowing with M'gann as 'target', not sure about the other two though" Robin says and Amber is quiet "You're not scared are you?" Artemis asks, but Shadow shrugs "Not sure...", she pulls her knees to her chest and says "But I guess it's some form of fear, just scared it is Zucco and that we'll fall down", Robin sweatdrops "I'm sure Haly won't let us perform without a net" he says rubbing Amber's back, while he was just as scared that would happen.

The next day Artemis and M'gann are making some costumes while Shadow and Robin are searching for the real reason of the mission, by means of hacking, with Robin hacking the League database and Shadow the computer in the batcave "I can't get through" she says after her fifth attempt to hack the computer "Okay let me help" Robin says moving over. Wally would be in the audience acting as a guard of some sort, Connor would fight a tiger, Artemis suddenly pops up behind the two and she says "I need to borrow Raven" "No need for that Artemis, I got that covered" Black Canary says handing the girl some notes "No fun" Artemis says sulking of, Black Canary looks at the screens of the two hackers before walking over to Robin's computer "Batman isn't being honest with you guys, there apears to be a plague hanging around circus members, strangely enough it only happens to them and not visitor" she says opening a newspaper "If it's not solved soon Haly will have to close his circus" she adds, but Shadow says "We won't let that happen, it was my home and it still is". A few hours later they leave and are brought to the circus "Amber how good to see you again" Jack says and the girl smiles "Sadly I'm not here to joke around" she says mentioning to the team "Ah yes, I was informed, you might want to avoid our current doctor" he says earning a confused look from the group "The people always get sick after visiting him" he explains and Alfred walks over "There's no need for them to, I was send here to act as their personal doctor" he says giving nearly everyone a heart attack "Let me show you to your rooms" Haly says. That evening they're doing auditions and Robin and Amber are up first "I am not taking any chances with you two" he says and both of them sweatdrop "We understand", M'gann is looking at Artemis nervously as the archer is inspecting the trowing knifes, but they soon get pulled to the performance of the two youngest team members "I still can't believe those two are humans" Connor says earning a nod from Wally. The two get in easily and Artemis has some competition, but she manages, Connor just gets in after putting the tiger to shame withing 5 minutes", that evening they leave and the group is sitting in the girl's room "I'm still nervous" Amber says "Even if I know there's a net to catch me" "It'll be fine" Artemis says and she chuckles "No one stood a chance against you two". They arrive at Gotham the next day and the tent is being set up, with the kid's help "Don't injure yourself" Jack calls over to Amber who says "I'll be fine", once everything is ready Robin finds his friend sitting on the ground near the animals that are laying calmly in their cage, he finds out why when he gets close though "I didn't know you had a singing voice" Robin comments scaring the girl who blushes that she was caught "I don't really sing around others" she says rubbing the back of her head "It explains why the animals are so calm though" Robin says sitting next to her. Artemis walks over and she says "We have to get ready, the first visitors are showing up" "Connor come down! We have to get ready!" Amber calls and the clone jumps down from the cage so the four head off "Sorry, fell asleep" he says and Amber says "I kinda forgot you were there", they wait in the back as Robin and Amber are helping each other and Artemis puts Amber's hair in a braid "Thanks Arty" she says as she stands up "When we're finished with our part we'll go and see Alfred, he was making a cure" M'gann says earning a nod "Robin and I are up last" Amber says looking in the mirror "What's our name for performing anyway?" Robin asks and Connor says "Ask Haly, he knows you two the best it seems, like how he lectured you two about not performing without a net "Right" Amber says and she starts getting nervous as Artemis and M'gann are called, well M'gann pushing a board along, the martian didn't like the fact Artemis would trow knifes at her. The two acrobats watch and Amber suddenly asks "Where's Kaldur anyway?" "Not a clue, he might be coming to watch, but he could be busy" Connor says and he asks "So... how many circus acts can you do?" "Knife trowing, on the trapeze, taming a lion, being a clown" Amber lists and the two start laughing "What, I started out as clown, then they taught me knife trowing, then they put me the entire night in the lion cage, and then I was finally allowed on the trapeze. Haly said he found the lions the next day laying around me since it had been cold, I've been best friends with them since then" she says sticking out her tongue. Once Artemis and M'gann return, the martian being awfully pale and dizzy since Artemis thought it'd be funny to spin the wheel Connor goes and the two girls leave to find Alfred, the four hoped everything would be fine.

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