Chapter 18: Memories

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"You really need some sleep Amber" Bruce says as he finds the girl tinkering with her tools, again, late at night "No I don't" Amber says as she tosses another failed tool in a box "Then what are you trying to do?" Bruce asks walking over "Working on something. Bruce, if I needed to get something that you can't give me, where would I go?" she asks, this earns her a raised eyebrow "Go to me in the future?" he asks and Amber's eyes lit up "That is a brilliant idea!" she says and runs of. However before he can follow her a flash of light goes of and she's gone.

Back in the other time everyone in the batcave is shocked to see the young girl "A warning may have been nice" Nightwing comments and Amber shrugs "Come on, what are you doing here?" Batgirl asks walking over to her "I am in need of materials" Amber says crossing her arms and she points to the costumes not in use anymore "Ah, you're trying to make that one" Nightwing says and Amber raises an eyebrow "Where's Batman?" she asks, but the two just shrug signaling they don't know. "What do you mean you don't know?" Amber asks and she sighs "ALFRED!" she calls and the butler comes down "Miss Amber, what a pleasant surprise" he says, but asks "Can I help you with something?" "Yes, I need to see Bruce" Amber says and the alarm goes of "I'm afraid Gotham has been taken over by villains" Alfred says earning an annoyed sigh as Nightwing opens the comminication channel to show mr. Freeze "You have one hour to find your precious Batman before he freezes to death and you're going to need all the help you can get" he says cutting the call. Batgirl groans "If only Shadow Angel was still-" she stops her sentence and looks at Amber "Uh... Why are you looking at me like that?" the young girl asks and Nightwing says "Please don't tell me you want her to come along, she could get captured, or killed" "Not come along" Batgirl says and Alfred says "I don't like where this is going". Before they can do something however another flash of light blinds them showing Robin, in costume "Thought I'd find you here" he says crossing his arm "And no, I only remember a few things" he adds, but is hugged by Amber anyway "Well this is even better" Batgirl says earning a sweatdrop.

In the end Amber got convinced to go outside and get herself in some trouble, which wasn't that hard according to Alfred "How am I suppose to get in trouble?" Amber asks herself annoyed kicking a can which hits the Joker "What do you think you're doing little girl?" he asks and Amber sweatdrops "The street looked empty, so I didn't think I'd hit someone if I kicked a can away" she says, Joker wants to say something, but raises an eyebrow "You don't seem scared of me" he says and Amber deadpans "Who'd be afraid of a psycho looking like a clown?", that seems to be enough trouble as she hears someone land behind her and knock her out. At the Batcave Robin is giving Batgirl an earfull "She really isn't scared of him is she?" Alfred asks, so Nightwing says "The only thing the scared her was the thought of losing her friends".

At the villains hideout Amber is thrown into an underground freezer and she sits up "Note to self, never insult the Joker when you travelled to the future" she says rubbing her head, she looks around and sees several people already completely frozen, but she spots Batman somewhere and she runs over to him "Amber, what are you doing here?" Batman asks, but he spots the tracker and says "Never mind, I think I know. Though they should have given you some warmer clothing", Amber sits next to him and says "Batgirl quite frankly pushed me out without giving me time to prepare, I did get to insult the Joker, which felt pretty awesome". Batman sighs putting part of his cape around her "Well let's hope they find us then" he says earning a nod "Pretty sure they will once Robin is done lecturing Batgirl" Amber says and she adds "The cold is making me sleepy" "Don't fall asleep, you'll just freeze faster" Batman says mentioning to the other.

Nightwing lands on the roof of the building with a certain blonde archer "I don't understand how you can let Barb put someone innocent in danger" Artemis says, but Connor says "Insulting the Joker that easily probably means the girl can handle herself, who we still don't have a name from" "Amber" Batgirl says "From the past" Nightwing adds seeing the surprised looks of his teammates "So... How do we het in?" Robin asks, but the question is pointless when Connor smashes the roof in "If she dies again I'm making sure they'll lower you into the ground next" Artemis says before jumping down after Nightwing and Robin "Below" Nightwing says and he adds "They seem to have an underground freezer", Connor nods and has to give a few good punches before making it through the floor and M'gann says "The bioship is ready, get Batman and Amber first". After about an hour the heroes are almost done when Poison Ivy, mr. Freeze, Joker and Penguin come in to stop them, but someone lands on the Joker's back "Really though, you never answered my question" Amber says before jumping to the other "You alright enough to fight?" Robin asks and Amber nods slightly "Little cold, but nothing Alfred's chicken soup can't fix" she says earning a chuckle from Connor "Still the same as always" he says and adds "But let's show these guys not to mess with wrong people first", which is quite easy since the villains are outnumbered, especially when Batman drops in.

Back at the batcave Barbara is getting three lectures, one from Batman, one from Artemis and the last one from Alfred after coming to the conclusion Amber got a cold "Anyway, I wanted to get some materials, but well... I got dragged into that" she explains and Batman sighs "There's a box over there, take whatever you need" he says mentioning to a box, but Nightwing stops Amber from running over "I have a better idea, since we found the blueprint the you from here left behind we will upgrade the suit we have here and send it over" "No. I want my own, not this one" Amber says earning a chuckle from Batman who says "Then we make you a new one" "Fine, I'll be back for it when Robin finally decides to grow out of his Robin suit" Amber says and she adds "I still want that box though". So the two young heroes are send back to their own time, surprising Batman who thought they got kidnapped "Ugh dizzy" Amber says nearly falling down "Where did you two go?" Bruce asks and Amber looks at the box she's carrying "Well... Uh... Stupid machine erases your memories, but... I think I did what you suggested, see" she says holding the box forwards, so Bruce takes a few things from it "I see" he says and sighs "Go to bed, you look like you can faint any minute" he adds taking the box from her "Go with her" he says looking at his other protege, who nods slightly "I still hate you for giving me nightmares though" Robin mumbles, but Amber adds "Only way to get your memories back".

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