Chapter 16: The attack

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As a precaution Amber told Bruce and Alfred she was sick, with some real enough coughing when Dick walked by, and headed out in costume to keep an eye out "So how's waiting?" Wally asks looking at the girl through the screen "Boring as hell" Shadow says and she smiles sadly "But I'll be able to keep them save like this, my best friend thinks I'm sick" she says looking at the area using some binoculars she somehow pulled from her belt before moving to a different area of the school roof "Arty's inside, but she said she'd keep an eye out" Shadow adds when suddenly another screen pops up "Poison Ivy, chemistry-" is all Artemis can manage "You have 5 minutes to get your ass over here Kid Flash" Shadow says before going in using a now broken window to see the school transformed into a jungle. "Ah a little bird, wonder where the other is" Ivy says causing Shadow to roll her eyes behind het mask "Training in the mountains" she says before dodging some vines "Well then, here's a little test for you and your friends, find the person who's most important to you within 45 minutes" Ivy says before disappearing into the plants "God dammit!" Shadow says, there were tons of students "Feel free to get whoever you like to safety while you search" Joker's voice comes over the intercom, so Shadow runs of "Shadow, any news?" Connor aska cutting the girl of "Find M'gann as fast as you can, tell Wally to look for Artemis, free whoever you can in the meantime. Now where's Aqualad?" she asks and Connor says "After the Joker, he knows how hard you have it, but let's move". They split up, only to end up meeting again a floor up "You down, I go up" Shadow says with a sweatdrop "Is this normal?" Connor asks earning a sigh "No, but there's no Batman or Robin, great timing to get rid of all of us if you ask me" Shadow says, but the clone stops her as she wants to run of "This floor" he says and adds "But hurry", instead of running of like Connor expected her to do she takes a small gun from her belt "I have a bad habit of stealing my enemies weapons" she says and starts freezing the plants, which break apart "How do you know it's this floor anyway?" she asks, so the clone points to some vines dragging the students to a chemistry lab "This is most definitally a trap" Wally says earning a punch as soon as he stops next to Shadow "You're late" she says and sighs "We need a plan, a good one that won't endanger all the lives of the students and teachers" she says as she starts pacing "Well what about the roof?" Aqualad asks walking over "It's the scource of the plant" M'gann says and she adds "And the plants are alive, the students are still alive, but barely". But the moment they arrive at the roof the giant plant releases a giant poisonous cloud "Wasn't expecting that" Wally says, but Aqualad, M'gann and Shadow fall down "It's fast working poison" Connor says and Wally starts running around the plant, hoping to draw the gas away from his friends, without much luck as he too falls down. Not a few minutes later Batman drops the leaguers of and Flash quickly makes a whirlwind to get rid of the cloud "What about the kids?" Green Arrow asks looking at Batman as Superman gets rid of the poison "We'll take them to the Bat cave where they can recover" Batman says as Black Canary kills the plant with a canary cry so the students are released "Glad we brought the jet then" Diana says as she picks up M'gann "What happened?" a voice asks and the leaguers at the roof freeze on their tracks "We're just saving your school" Batman says handing Shadow to Superman, after they leave a very confused Dick Grayson is left behind.

At the batcave the mentors are discussing things "So... They used a plant that fed on the life of the students and used that for poison?" Flash asks earning a nod "This place is so awesome!" they hear Kid Flash yell followed by a thud "Quiet you idiot" Shadow says and she walks over "I'm sorry Bats... We failed" she says looking down "You didn't, you still need to get used to the fact there's no Robin around, everyone has it hard, but you the most" Batman says patting her head "Rest up some more, I have to make sure there's no poison left before you are allowed to leave the batcave" he adds and the girl walks back to the others and Batman looks at the other adults to see them looking at him weirdly "Come on. It's obvious she likes him, what was I suppose to say?" he asks earning a chuckle from Superman "Guess you are a good parent" the man of steel says, but Canary counters "Unlike you".

After one more test everyone heads of and Alfred brings Amber to her room, unaware that he was seen leaving the Batcave. "Miss Amber, you need to rest, you can't stay home another day" Alfred says, but Bruce cuts in "She isn't in any state to go tomorrow. Now have you seen my other ward?" "No, last I saw him he was heading to the library" Alfred says as Amber enters her room and closes the door "He needs his memories back" Bruce says and he adds "Otherwise I fear Amber won't be staying in the team for long", the two males head to the library and see one of the many secret entrances open, so Bruce heads of and Alfred goes in "Master Richard, what brings you here?" he asks scaring the boy "Just... You know, looking" Dick says and he turns to the butler "Did I do something to hurt Amber, she doesn't look at me when I try to talk to her", Alfred wants to answer, but a voice cuts them of "What are you two doing here?", the duo turns to the voice and Alfred sweatdrops as Dick's eyes become big upon seeing the dark knight there "Uh we were just..." he doesn't find an answer, but he doesn't need to when a second person cuts him of "Obviously intruding", Batman turns to the girl who's casually walking over, in ful costume. "I saw Alfred leave this place and became curious" Dick says and Batman says "If it helps, that butler volunteered to help me and Shadow" "But you're not suppose to be here" Shadow says and she shrugs "Anyway Bats, I tracked down Joker and Ivy, they're at the abandoned greenhouse" she says and Batman leaves saying "You stay here". So when Dick finally leaves he instantly runs to Amber's room and opens the door, but stops in his tracks hearing her cry "What's wrong?" he asks walking over "It's nothing worth mentioning" Amber says looking at him "Why did you come here?" she asks as she moves so he can sit down "The lair of Batman, Robin and Shadow is in a cave under this house, how awesome in that?" he asks, not noticing the pained expression at the mention of his former hero name "Pretty awesome I guess" she says burying her head in her pillow "Well I'm going to explore it some more at night time" he says earning a tired sigh "Do what you want, I'm not coming along" Amber mumbles and Dick gets up "Hey, sorry if I hurt you in some way" he says and leaves the room.

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