Chapter 20: The captured League

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It was completely normal at mount Justice, besides the fact that there was no adult in sight "We tried contacting the watchtower, no luck" Robin says and he adds "So we're pretty much out of options" "No completely" Amber says opening her holographic computer "But you have to promise not to tell anyone in the league" she says and everyone nods, so she opens a channel to the future watch tower "Before you start complaining, we're out of ideas and option, the entire League just... Vanished" she says earning a tired groan from Superman "It's that time Bats!" he calls and Batman walks over "How long have they been gone?" he asks and Robin says "Since last night, Batman didn't return from patrol, but all our villains are locked up" "Robin, open a radar showing space" Superman says, so he does that "There's a large ship coming toward the Earth" he says and adds "But we can't go there" "My bioship can" M'gann says, only to nearly faint seeing an older version of her in the background "Please don't mind the other people, you have to save the League and destroy that ship" Superman says and the teens run of.

At the bioship Superman is explaining what they have to do, along with Batman, that is interrupted when Nightwing walks past the two causing Wally to spill his cola "Was that you dude?" he asks looking at Robin "It wasn't, please continue" the boy wonder says, so the two older heroes keep explaining. "That might be harder then expected" Amber says "Not to mention we can't fit all leaguers in the bio ship" M'gann says making the bioship invisible as they approach the enemy ship and they can dock easily since another ship just left "Alright then" Robin whispers "M'gann can fool the guards and the rest of us heads to where they are holding the League" "I hope I can, but I need a prisoner" M'gann says earning a sweatdrop "Take Artemis" Wally says. So M'gann disguises herself and takes Artemis with her "Yo, Red Arrow and Zatanna, you gonna join in the fun or not?" Robin asks and the two walk over "Wouldn't miss it for the world" Roy says with a smirk. Finding the League doesn't take long, but that's the easy part "Are they... Brainwashed?" Shadow asks and Roy says "Let's hope not, we can't beat Superman or Batman" "How do we snap them out of it?" Aqualad asks, but they have no time to even think about that when they have to dodge several batarangs and arrows "Split up, groups of two" Aqualad says and everyone head off. "Wait... Fear" Amber says to the others using their watches "We can snap them out if it that way, anyone has Superman on his tails?" she asks and Zatanna says "Me and Aqualad", Shadow and Robin look at each other before nodding and they disappear into the smoke of a broken pipe "We're on our way, but we have Martian Manhunter after us, Zatanna get ready to use a spell that causes fire" Robin says, but they don't get far when they're lifted up and thrown to the ground "That seemed painful" Wally says speeding past so Robin hands him the small box "Wally's on his way" Amber says getting up "Make that Batman and Martian Manhunter" Robin says and the two run a different way.

After an hour the group is cornered by Batman, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Zatara and Wonder Woman and they're down to Shadow, Connor, Robin and Artemis. "Well it was nice knowing everyone" Artemis comments dryly, but before Wonder Woman can do something Superman knocks her out cold along with Black Canary, but Batman tries to electrocude him "It won't work on Superman" Robin says, so Artemis says "Shadow already got electrocuded once, it's not happening twice", so she runs forward and Connor manages to knock out Green Arrow "Superman, are the others in the bioship?" Robin asks earning a nod "Two minutes left" Connor says and they head of carrying the unconscious members of the league, but something causes the bomb to go of sooner and Batman, who got snapped out of it after Artemis fell on the ground, covers his two proteges "M'gann, bio ship, now" Connor says and the ship opens in front of them, so they go in before the rest of the explosives go of "How did you know where to look?" Batman asks checking Robin for injuries "Or what to do?" Superman asks. Shadow looks at the others of the team and smiles saying "Teamwork, however I didn't expect Arty to become the victim of that shock", the bioship suddenly shakes and Wally says "We're under attack, they're not happy that their ship got destroyed". Flash sighs and says "Obviously" "We can't fight them yet, we're still in space" Superman says. "Then we're going to be destroyed, there are too many" Shadow says, but M'gann says "No we're not, hold on", M'gann tries her hardest to dodge the incoming fire, but the ship is hit several times and she has to make a rough landing "That hurts" Shadow says slowly getting up "At least we can fight them now" Superman says earning a nod from Martian Manhunter.

But luck isn't on their side as there are more enemy ships then expected "Anyone got a plan?" Kaldurs asks, but Batman says "Not for this situation" "Can't we make the ships hit themselves?" Artemis asks and she adds "It's better then nothing" "Superman, Martian Manhunter and Wonder Woman go out there and rid of as many as you can" Batman says and the three head of "The rest of us focus on getting the people to safety" he says and looks at M'gann "Try to get this ship working again". Though the tasks are easier said then done and by the time most of the ships are gone a huge part of the area is destroyed "Robin, Shadow" Batman says and the two follow his gaze "Got it" they both say at the same time and they head off, grabbing two children as the building comes down, they land and put them down "Go to safety" Robin says, after the children ran of Shadow and Robin join the others again, only to be pulled in the bioship by Connor "Protect the people" Superman says earning a sigh from M'gann who says "Got it". Once all the ships are destroyed the teens are about ready to fall asleep "Batman we have a question concerning the young group of heroes you lead" a reporter says and Batman says "They were just doing their jobs", however, the team became much more famous after that.

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