Chapter 12: Field Trip part 2

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The first few days went by without trouble and there wasn't anything strange, but of course something went wrong when they decided to skip patrol for the night, it had to be 4 in the morning when shouting was heard "Hand over the keys!", Artemis, being awake rather quickly gets up and shakes Amber, who's still half asleep "Time for action" the blonde whispers, by the time the door got kicked open they were gone "Batman we have trouble" Shadow says looking at her mentor using the screen "I'll send Superman" the Dark Knight says and he adds "Try to help, but nothing too reckless, try leading them into the forest area", the two girls nod and they sneak in, hiding in the shadows "Where are the other two?" one of the thugs says and Connor says "We don't know", he was sitting in front of both M'gann and Dick, probably to protect them both "I heard they went to the forest to hide" Shadow says walking over "Now if you'd be so kind to release you rather large group of hostages then this will be a lot easier" she says, Artemis shoots a smoke arrow and Shadow grabs her best friend before running of with Artemis. "Just change already" the archer says and she adds "It's not hard to figure out once you know who she is", once Dick becomes Robin the three hide somewhere in the forest "What's the plan?" he asks and Shadow says "Buy time, Bats is sending Superman here, any useful info?" "They all have at least three guns, one to stun, other two to kill" Robin says and he adds "There are 6 of them and three of us" "Connor and M'gann can't do anything, it's already suspicious you're suddenly gone" Artemis says. They hear footsteps and become quiet "Check everywhere!", the same guy who demanded to know where Amber and Artemis were orders and Shadow says "We each take two" "Agree" Artemis whispers and they split up, by the time Superman arrives three men are still standing, having backed the three into a corner "Now what?" Robin asks and Artemis says "We wait, I mean, he should be here... now", as if on cue Superman lands behind the men and knocks them out with a single hit "You three look horrible" he says, but adds "Change, I'm taking you back to the hotel". So around 10 minutes later both the headmaster's run over as they see Superman with the three kids "They were hiding in the forest, I'm lucky I found them before they were seriouy injured" he says and Connor raises an eyebrow at Dick who says "I escaped in the smoke", of course the clone could argue with that, but decides not to "My duty is done here, Green Lantern is picking them up" Superman says before flying of. "I'm so glad you three are okay" M'gann says and she hugs Amber who flinches slightly "Let's get you all patched up" one of the teachers says earning a nod.

That afternoon they're all relaxing at the beach when Connor says "You didn't escape on your own" "Ah can't get anything by you" Dick says with a chuckle "Well imagine what kind of trouble there would be if he wasn't saved" Amber says, she couldn't go swimming thanks to her stupid injuries "Well I guess" Connor says, M'gann walks over with something to drink for everyone and she sighs "Here, took me forever to lose that guy, he couldn't stop talking about how he saw his two favorite heries" she says sitting down "Almost lost my temper" "His two favorite..." Amber starts and Artemis finishes "... heroes?" "Yep, Shadow Raven and the archer" Connor says and he looks at the girls "He think you two resemble them a lot" he explains and Amber sweatdrops, she wasn't even a hero for a year and she already had a fan "So... what did he base that on?" Artemis asks earning a chuckle from Dick "Hair color maybe" he says earning a sigh "What to do now" Amber says and she adds "I wanna go swimming" "You can't" M'gann says earning a groan from the girl "Hey there group of misfits" Barbara says running over while holding a volleyball "Nope, we're not even allowed to do that" Artemis says and she sighs "Guess trying to get a tan is the only thing we can do", after Barbara left a screen pops up with Bruce on it from Amber's watch "When will you ve back?" he asks and Dick rolls over so he's laying next to his friend "We're heading back tomorrow evening, why?" "I'll tell you then" Bruce says and the screen closes. Both Artemis and M'gann sweatdrop and the martian asks "Is he always like that? And when did you get that watch?" "At the town yesterday and no, he's mostly like that" Amber says tossing a box to both Artemis and M'gann "Got you two one as well" she says and she stretches she had questions which probably wouldn't be answered "The holographic thing is build in, not sure why" she says, Artemis her watch has a forest pattern while M'gann's watch has a night sky pattern, Amber had picked one with a raven pattern for herself. "Didn't Bruce's company make these as a linited product? There are only 5 of them, I have one too, just never wear it" Dick says and Amber shrugs "Don't know, but it's pretty awesome I found them" she says and Artemis smiles slightly "Too bad there aren't enough for everyone" she says and M'gann sweatdrops "I think that's good". That evening they have a BBQ again and Bruce called again "Amber... How many did you find?" he asks and adds "I gave one to Wally as a birthday present once and I have one here too" "Three" Amber says earning a confused look "Of course, I made 6 of them, but I forgot about the last one, it must have slipped in one of the boxes" he explains and sighs "Anyway I should go, see you tomorrow" he says and the screen closes again "Richard and Artemis, come help us with the food, Connor you help setting everything at the right place" a teacher says, leaving Amber and M'gann by themselves "We could play chess" M'gann suggests and she adds "But why are they leaving us out with the tasks?" "Well you're limping and I'm more injured then the other two" Amber says opening the holigraphic computer and she starts a chess game "That somehow always happens" M'gann says hiding a yawn and she earns a nod.

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