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Hey so a name poped up in my head and i cant remember who it is, the name was Edger.

And i was sitting down with plates of food surrounding Miko, Nana and me, their was a knock at the door. Miko got up and practically ran to the door. I could hear their conversation.

"Ah, hello Gresha and Eren! Please follow me."



Fuck my life.

Eren, is here. Again....I am soooo done with life. I look at the door way where they are coming through and i see a tall, tannish man with long brown hair. He was wearing a black suit and a blackish grey jazzy hat. Eren stool right next to him. He wore a black t shirt and black pants. All in all, he looked like shit.

Like always.

They came and sat down around the table. I was about to die because if 2 reasons, 1 i was tired and 2 i don't want to be here. Thank god Eren sat across from me while his father sat next to him. Miko and Nana say on each side of me. Miko also set the plates packed with food in each of our spots already so now all i, Miko and Eren had to do was listen to their boring ass work talk.

And that is what happened for about 15 minutes. Silence other then Gresha and Nana talking about work.
That is until Gresha asked me a question.

"So levi, how are you and Eren doing?"

Fuck me bull shit life, take a gun and shoot me now. Please!

I figured out who i wad talking about with Edger. He is from a animated kid movie about a rich family of cats, and they get dumped on the streets by evil people and Edger was the cats butler. You have no idea what I'm talking about huh.    Oh well!

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