Chapter 10: R E T A L I A T E

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[to return by giving like for like: usually in an ill sense]

"You look horrible," Was the immediate greeting I got from Randy Orton the moment I stepped inside the backstage.

I looked horrible for so many reasons. After the Charity event, I had to personally ensure that neither Ambrose nor Rollins would be in the arena for any live events or house shows. I had made it my main mission to do so. When I say something, I am sure to mean it. It's just heavenly that they didn't cause any much trouble in the arena. The night of the charity event though was a different story all together.

"I heard what happened to you after the Event." He continued as he walked me to my office.

With Reid officially dating Jojo as of now, I was on my own since my son was practically glued to his girlfriend wherever she may be. I didn't have anything against it or anything, but I missed having my son here with me.

"I don't really want to talk about it." I muttered.

After walking out of the event, Dean Ambrose thought it was best to follow me into my room. I was still wondering how the hell he knew my hotel room. What made it even worst was Rollins made it his mission to come into my hotel room as well. Now that was a whole kinds of mess and I just had to call security for both of them. I was trying so hard not to laugh when the security had dragged even Ambrose. He practically begged me to stop them from doing so and I only replied with a straight face to the security that I knew neither of them.

"That horrible?" he smirked slumping down on the sofa as I prepared everything. Not only was it Summerslam, but I had put it upon myself to start the show later on.

"You do not want to know." I muttered sitting on my leather chair for a moment. "I've had to practically be on my foot the entire few weeks with those two assholes gone." I muttered remembering I had to order Foley and Bryan to handle all the prior commitments those two had.

"How did that go?" he grinned knowing teasing me right now was much entertainment for him.

"Shouldn't you be preparing for your match against Lesnar?" I questioned.

He shrugged making himself more comfortable on my bed. Snatching the remote from the coffee table and began strolling the channels until the flat screen landed on American Horror Story.

"I really hope Lesnar pulverizes you." I muttered under my breath as I began doing my make-up even with him here.

"Oh, look it's your husband." He said dryly pointing at Matt Bomer going all out with Lady Gaga on TV.

I rolled my eyes. I knew it had been a mistake to ever tell him about all my Hollywood crushes. Times like this were what I wanted to avoid. I hate it when he begins to annoy me about them. He, Cena, and even Shane would go all out on it until I stop them from annoying me.

Before Randy could continue on in making my night a living hell, the knock on the door sounded.

"Who is it?" I asked, hoping it wasn't my siblings, Rollins, or Ambrose to ruin it even more.

"It's Paul Heyman." The voice said from behind the door.

"Give me a moment." I checked my make-up one more time before opening the door and being greeted by Heyman and Lesnar themselves.

A smile was on my face as I let them come it. They stood stock still when they saw Orton on the couch.

"Ignore him." I muttered. "What can I help you gentlemen with?" I asked going back to my seat and opening my laptop to get some few work done.

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