Epilogue: E N D

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In a blood red dress, I made my way to the hospital to visit him. This was the last part of my plans for Phase One. I was going to close the deal. Once I get the last part done, I was going to rest and have time to heal before I start my next Phase. My revenge with Dean Ambrose.

Opening the door, I was greeted by my bedridden father and my lawyer. After fighting a rather lengthy cancer battle, his time was almost up and I was the first person he would want to see in his dying days.

"Daddy," my tears flowing freely as I gently wrapped my arms around his neck. Giving a few sobs to make it more convincing.

"Sonya," he gasped.

I noticed how he had gotten paler this few months. His usual muscular body was now all skin and bone because of his cancer. No matter how much you care for your body, if karma begins to struck, no one was safe.

"I've had Joshua fix everything." he said weakly gesturing at my lawyer. "As of now, you are now the new Chairman and CEO. Everything I own, everything that is under my name is now yours."

I wiped my eyes taking a moment to look at my lawyer. A knowing smile on his face as he nodded. He had to look at everything first, check if there was no screw over on my part. He was the best lawyer in the country and I knew I hired him for this exact day.

"Joshua, can you leave me and my father for a moment?" I asked.

He nodded leaving the hospital room with all the paper works with him, closing the door behind me. My eyes returned to my father and the frown on my face of sadness was slowly replaced with happiness.

"Thanks, Vince." I sneered earning a confused look from him.

I smiled slapping him right in the face for a good measure. It wasn't enough for all the shit he had put me and my sibling through. I was just happy to know that this bastard was going to burn in hell where he belongs.

I snatched the help button before he can press it and call for help. He wouldn't be going to do such a thing. I'm not going to let this opportunity slip from my fingers. He needed to listen to every fucking word I had to say. Because once I get out, I will have total control of everything he destroyed. I'm going to fix everything and everyone would forget his name. He was going to be buried by his own daughter.

"You son of a bitch think that you weren't part of my plan?" I asked as his pale features slowly turned red in his anger. "You were my primary target!" I screamed. "You fucking bastard enjoy seeing your own children fight to the point of destroying each other's life. And what for? For your own sick entertainment."

"What the hell have you done?" he questioned.

"I screwed you over, you Moron!" I spat. "I acted all sweet and nice to you and following all your demands to get on your good side." I explained with a big grin. "I never actually believed you'd fall for my act. I knew Shane and Steph would, but you? You're the greatest deceiver of us all. We get our talent from you, Daddy."

He tried sitting up but I pushed him back down and backhanded him.

"Listen to me, Daddy." I smiled. "Because you want to know how I've done all of this. You should listen to how I screwed over the greatest Bastard in WWE."

He looked at me in rage, but what else I saw was fear. For the first time, I had brought Vincent Kennedy McMahon to the point of peeing himself.

"The moment I got out of the hellhole you didn't even bother visiting me in, I inquired on everyone that considered you an enemy. I had Eric and Dana White on my side against you. They taught me everything I needed to know about the business. They thought me everything I needed to know something you never bothered to do for me or my siblings."

He planned on talking but I stopped him with a sick smile.

"I actually struck a deal with a guy named Tony Khan." I added knowing how much he hated the man. "But I won't get to that." I brushed off.

"Enough!" he screamed.

I shrugged. If he doesn't want to listen about this, so be it.

"You have a little over a few weeks left in that old body of yours, I suggest you start asking for forgiveness before me and Punk start dancing and pissing on your grave."

All of a sudden, he started thrashing around in anger. I hit a nerve. I smiled pressing the help button and messing with my hair and dress to make it seem he had been assaulting me. I smudged my lipstick for an extra measure just in time for the nurses come and hold down my father.

One of the nurse comes to me asking if I was alright.

"H-He started to snap." I said sobbing in my hands shaking in fake fear.

I tried so hard not to laugh at him as he continues denying everything. Moments later, the nurses had sedated him into a deep sleep.

The doctor came towards me.

"He's been like this since the chemo." she explained as we walked out of the hospital room.

I nodded.

"Will he ever get better?" I asked voice cracking.

She gave me a gentle squeeze on the shoulders before shaking her head. I bit my lips trying to stop the smile from forming my lips.

"H-How long does he have?" I asked.

"One month at least. But he's a fighter, he wants to live." she said before finally excusing herself.

I licked my lips as I walked towards the lobby where my lawyer was. A wicked smile on his face as he handed me all the paper works. As of today, I was the new chairwoman and CEO of WWE. I had complete control of everything.

"What do you plan on doing now?" he asked.

"After the court hearing tomorrow, me and Reid would take a vacation. We both need to forget the war we've been a part of." I shrugged.

"And what about the company?" he inquired.

"I think Hunter could stand as the boss right now. He deserves it. This is the compensation I'm giving him after being placed in a fucking hell that was my sister."

He grinned nodding.

"I'll make sure he doesn't have anything under his sleeves while you're gone, Sonya." he nodded finally walking away.

This was a start. This was the new beginning I had. I knew it wasn't much at the moment, but once I'm done tying all the loose ends, it's going to be a new life for me and Reid. I may have lost my two children in the past, but I wasn't going to lose Reid. He was the only one I had in this world that I trust enough.

It would have been two if it wasn't for Dean betraying me and for being the bastard that he was.

The dream of my future with him was now forgotten. It will never come true. The only thing coming true was his demise in my hands.

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