Chapter 23: A C C U S A T I O N

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[a charge or imputation of wrong-doing; the act of accusing or imputing]

For the first time, I had actually invited Dean Ambrose to my apartment here in Florida, instead of him breaking in, like last time. It had been a hectic week for him since he had done nothing but house shows, live events, and no stop interviews in just a span of four days. It's Sunday and I thought staying here would be better than in some random hotel.

"No matter who I ask in security, no one could fucking give me a clear answer on how you broke yourself into my apartment without alerting anyone." I muttered as I made my way to the kitchen to make lunch for the two of us.

"It's one of WWE's unsolved Mysteries." He teased making me giggle. He's funny, I'll give him that.

"One of this days, I'll find out about your secret Ambrose." I vowed playfully but it only made him tense as he walking towards me.

"Meh, it's just boring stuff." He said as a comeback.

I shrugged at the change of tone. I proceeded to make us something with what was in the fridge and cupboards: Chicken Parmesan and some Salad to go along with it.

"Never thought you cook." He pointed out as he wrapped his arms around me waist as I placed the plate on the table. He pulled me closer to him until I felt his growing erection hitting my ass.

"Never thought you'd be horny all the time." I say back.

A deep chuckle resounded from his chest and I felt the vibration to my back.

"With you? It's always required to be." He smirked finally letting me go.

I pushed him back as I laughed. Fucking horn dog. We eventually started eating in silence. My eyes focused more on what I was eating above anything else. In the silence of our eating, the sound of the door made me stand up to attention, already knowing who it was.

"Mom!" Reid's voice had called out.

I tensed looking at Dean.

"Mom, I brought Jojo along. We brought lunch with u—" the moment my eyes met with my son, I saw the question in his eyes and anger seeing Dean in this place that I called my escape. "I thought co-worker weren't allowed in this place." His tone laced with disgust seeing him here.

I smiled small at Jojo before pulling my son with me to my office, closing the door for extra measures.

Once in the confinement of my office, I glared at my son.

"What's your problem?" I questioned him.

"My problem?" he scoffed. "I wanted to know what your problem is for bringing him here!" he spat.

I knew this tone.

"And what gives you the right to bring Jojo here?" I asked.

"She's my girlfriend!" he snapped.

"And Dean is my boyfriend!" I bit right back taking him by surprise.

"Seriously, Mom?" he questioned. "This is dangerous. You don't know how that man thinks. After all the plans in said and done, what's going to happen to this fake relationship you have with him?"

"It's not fake, Reid." I blinked trying hard to un-see the disappointment in his eyes.

"He's dangerous and somehow if you plan on going down that route with him, I don't think I want to be part of all this plan you have against the family, Mom."

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