Chapter 31: A R M A G E D D O N

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[a final destructive battle or conflict]

"You alright?" Seth asked me as I continued tapping my hands.

It was Wrestlemania. I was nervous as hell. For the past few months, I felt the anxiety growing even more over and over. I've been throwing up for the past few weeks because of all I was feeling. This match would be the last showdown between me and my sister. I need to ensure myself that I win because it's not only about me anymore. It's about the SHIELD and the entire roster that Steph would use against her own whim now.

"Yeah, it's just I'm nervous about this match." I explained.

"Where the hell is Dean?" Roman asked.

I looked at Randy and Batista as they seemed as confused as I was about where my boyfriend was. I've noticed something different with him this past few weeks. I wasn't sure what it was but I knew something was different from him, it was as if he was hiding something from me.

"Here," I looked up again and saw Dean already in his usual wife beater and jeans. His eyes couldn't meet my own.

"You alright?" I asked approaching him. I held onto his hand but he immediately wrapped his arms around my waist as he pulled me into a tight hug.

"Yeah. I just wanna say whatever happens tonight, I love you. I always will."

I smiled wrapping my arms around him for a moment.

"I'm hoping for that question after this match." I pointed out knowingly.

Surprisingly, when I told Reid about what Dean was talking about with me, he was open to it. He wasn't keen into it, but if he knows I'm happy with him, he'll try to be more civil with him. But told me he was never going to call him or consider him a father whatsoever.

A small smile playing on his face as he pulled away.

"Let's go and think of a game plan." He said not meeting my gaze once again.

"And their opponents, the team of Sonya McMahon, The Shield, Batista, and Randy Orton!" Lilian announced as we stepped into the ring.

I looked at our opponents, AJ Styles, Finn Balor, Luke Gallows, Karl Anderson, Kenny Omega, and John Morrison. My eyes never straying away from Morrison. I know once I win this, I'm going to remove him from this company and make sure he never ever comes into contact with any one of the people that would ever work here.

I turned behind me to see the entire roster of RAW, Smackdown, and TNA all joining together to watch me fight to the death for the complete rights of WWE. All eyes looking hopefully at me. I wasn't going to let them down. At first when I came back, I knew it was all for my benefit, but slowly but surely, I came into the realization that this isn't just my battle anymore. It's about them as well.

I was going to fight for them, for me, for every single people that made WWE the Billion dollar empire it was today.

I took hold of Dean's hand once again before pulling him into a quick kiss.

"You know I don't usually say the L word, but I just want you to know that whatever happened in the past, I've forgiven you, Dean." I whispered. "We're going to make our future once we're done here." I smiled reassuringly at him.

He nodded hugging me once more before the bell finally rang and Seth staring off the match against Kenny Omega.

We watched by the canvas as Seth put on a good fight. Fighting and cheap shots as much as he possibly could the entire time. The entire match between the two of them had been back and forth but with one curb stomp, Seth took the first win.

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