Chapter 25.

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Shane vs. Shyna
Part Two

Shyna POV

I was lowkey scared, but I would never let Shane see it. My dad taught me to never show fear.tried to call my dad. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves.

I looked in my dads eyes searching for an ounce of fear. I couldn't find any. But why ? This could possibly be our death.

"Shyna" I snapped my head forward.

"Get here, now" Shane ordered.

I looked to my dad for confirmation. He nodded forward.

I slowly walked towards Shane. He had a devious smirk. At that moment I wanted to shoot him. It was as if he was taunting me. He had the upper hand now and this could take a turn for the worst.

Shane ordered Langston to him. They dapped each other up. My head cocked to the side in.confusion.

Shane chuckled."Sis, didn't Dad teach you to never trust anyone? See I didn't care about Jason dying. But Langston, he set you up. Told me everything I needed to know" he smirked at me.

I closed my eyes tightly. I just knew I was dying today. I knew I wasn't going to make it. I knew they were going to kill me. I just knew it.

"Do me a favor? Kill me now. Stop the conversation and shoot me" I begged.

Shane shook his head "Langston, tie her up abd out her in the van"

I watched Langston grab some rope to tie me up. As he started, I kneed him in the face.

"Bitch, the fuck is wrong wrong with you" he spat. He threw me on the ground.

"Hey, chill the fuck out with my daughter" my dad barked.

My head was throbbing. How the hell do I always end up with the fuck boys? I gave this nigga clothes, food, and sex.

Langston sat me up and took me outside to a van. He threw me in the back and shut the door.

Shane POV

I stood toe to toe with my dad. Or sperm donor. He showed no fear. No emotion. I couldn't decipher this look on his face.

I whacked him with the butt if my gun. His head snapped to the side and he looked at me, with no emotion. I punched him in the jaw.

He clenched his fist "What the fuck do you want?" He snarled.

"The legacy, give it to me"

He spit in my face "Hell no! You outta your damn mind?"

I was furious, I shot him in the arm. That's when I saw emotion. The same look he used to give my mom when she pissed him off.
He saw red, and I was the target in this moment. He wanted to kill.

I backed away and exited the warehouse.


Bullets flying everywhere. I ducked and went to the van. I got in and Langston sped off.

They started following us. I knew this shit was gone go left. Fuck!

"Plan B, we need to hurry up and kill her"

Shyna POV

I rolled my eyes. They will not kill me. I squirmed around in the rope. Langston such a dick. He didn't tie it right. I untied myself and grabbed a gun on the van floor.

I examined it. It had a silencer. I took the safety off and shot Langston in the head.

The van started swerving. Shane taught it was someone following us.

He pushed Langston out the door and started driving. I honestly want to kill him, but my neice. She needs a father.

I leaned up and pressed the gun to Shane head.

"Drive" I ordered.

"What the hell"

"Shane, don't make me kill you"

I made him drive to the woods. I waited for my dad crew to get here. Shane will be taught a lesson.

When my dads crew arrived, they forced him on his knees.

"What you did to Boss we go di to you" a worker said.

They punched Shane in the jaw. They pistol whipped him. They shot him in the arm.

Shane was bloody, he looked horrible. Now it was my turn. I stood him up. I sent one bullet to each leg. He cried out in pain. I knew he was hurting. Then I grabbed a brick and threw it at him.

He fell to the ground, knocked unconscious.

I left the scene, not caring whether he died or not. I was alive.

6 Months Later


Shyna finished school earlier than usual. She took over her dads legacy. She moved out the city. Isolation was her besr choice.

Her mother despise her because of what she did to Shane. Shane is paralyzed from the waist down. He lost his memory from being in the coma for three months. He had to be taken care of for the rest of his life.

Nate name still hold clout in the streets, but he is currently serving a 10 years to life sentence for the attempted murder of Shane.

Next Chapter is the last chapter. This book is ending .

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