Chapter 2.

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The Aftermath

If There Is Any Mistakes Excuse Them


I woke up in a hospital bed. What The Hell Happened To Me? How Did I Get Here? I heard sniffling, and saw my mom crying. Oh yea, that son of bitch Nate knocked me out. I aint afraid to admit he floored my ass, but he a motherfvkin coward.

"Baby are you, okay?" my mother cried.

I couldnt answer her because it was a mix of anger and sadness. She brought him around when everyone wasnt home. She was still fvckin him and I knew it. Damn Thot!!

"Ma" I asked her. "Are you still messing with him?"

Wow!, this bvtch had nothing to say.

"You cheating on Justin, the love of your life? The one who gave you your babygirl Justice?" I pressured her into telling me the truth.

"Shy, please dont be mad at me" She started pleading with me "He paid me $500 dollars to keep you out th house and I took the money"She cried like a big baby.


"I'm so sorry baby, I didnt mean it, but we needed the money"

How was I supposed to forgive her. This woman who who left him because he was abusing us. She went back for money, she the real MVP!!, Stupid Motherfvcker.

"Ma, I cant believe you. But tell Justin lets see how he feel" I felt like torturing her.

"Tell me what?" My stepdad entered the room.

I smiled "Ask her".


Shy P.O.V.

This little bvtch I raised, I cant stand her.

I did my best to sound sweet"Nothing, baby".

My husband Justin said "No, there is and I wanna know now".I could see the anger in his eyes. "Okay, baby I -".

"Daddy, I suggest you sit down". Is this little girl serious. I cut my eyes at my daughter.

"Baby", I continued " We got into it with Nate he was beating me and Shyna decided to help." I could feel Shyna eyes burning a hole in me.

Justin was pissed off "Where is he?" There was a dead silence. "Huh", he yelled.

Shyna spoke up before me "I have no idea, but I'm sure mom does" She smiled at me.

"Shutup" I yelled. Justin looked between us and kicked me out the hospital room.


Part 2 Coming Soon

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