Chapter 4.

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WTF !!

Shy P.O.V.

Since I got kicked out the hospital room, I used my skills to get some crack. Yes, my dark color, wide hips, Brazilian inches, and big booty. It worked multiple times, trust. I got my pipe out my pocket and satisfised myself. Ahh!!, this shit feels soo good. If only I did this sooner. Wait! That's Justin? Yea! it is, well screw him. I continued getting high then I walked half way to my house. I flagged down this silver SUV.

"Hey, sexy" the driver said.

I was confused for a minute "Who are you" I asked.

"Tre. Tre Williams" he replied.

"Oh, well take me home" I was high as fuck. "Do you know where I live"

"Yea" he smiled.

It took us at least 30 minutes to get to my house. I wobbled to my door and bust it open. Justin sat there with suitcases. He's leaving? Yes!!

"You're moving out?"

"No, but you are" He said to me.


"Yes, you are" He simply said. He then decided to push me out the door with my suitcases. "Go and stay with Tre for awhile. He'll keep you safe"

With that being said he slammed the door in my face. Really! I lost my family because of drugs and Nate. But how?? My baby Justice, Shyna, and Shane I lost my kids. Reality started to kick in I cried like I did when Nate beat me years back.

"Nooo, Why?? I'm sorry, please give me another chance" I cried yelled at nobody.

"Lets go" Tre came and got me off the ground and put me in the truck. I cried the whole ride to his place. I am no longer Shy Amiya Williams, I'm a random crack head. Wait! Is this Justin brother?

Shy In The Media ( The mom in the media )

I made this one longer. How yall like this one and I finished before the deadline.

-Is that Justin brother?

-Shyna coming back next chapter and y'all can meet her boyfriend.

-Shane her brother gone be soon too, so is little princess Justice.

-Will Shy get clean?

-Will Justin move on?

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