Ch.8 Halloween

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      It was halloween morning and you sat at the kitchen table eating breakfast. "Do you want to go out to the movies?" Your mom asked you while opening the fridge. "No thank you" you ate your food and you got a text message.
-Calvin: Hey looser wyd later?
-You: I don't know why what's up?
-Calvin: Want to go to the pumpkin patch?
-You: Um sure
-Calvin: alright I'll pick you up at 5 lameass...drink some bleach
-You: I will
"So what do you wanna do later..want to give out candy?" Your mom asked as she made herself coffee. "My friend invited me to go to the pumpkin patch" you said. "Which friend?" Your mom smiled at you. "His name is calvin" you said while eating a piece of bacon. "Oh it's a he I didn't know that" your mom winked at you. "MOM!he's a friend" you said smiling. "What time are you coming home?" You got up and placed your plate on the sink. "I don't know..what time do you want me to come home?" You told her. "At whatever time you want" your mom said smiling at you. You went upstairs and cleaned your room. The day went by and you decided to get ready. You saw calvins car pull up on the drive way and heard the doorbell. As you opened the door he was standing there. "Hey you ready?" He asked. "Yeah" you said then your mom walked towards the door. "Hello mrs. L/n I'm Calvin Vail" Calvin said as he shaked your mom's hand. "Hello you kids have a fun time okay " your mom said smiling. You and calvin got into the car and arrived at the pumpkin patch they had swings and rides there it was like a halloween fair. You went to the entrance "That will be $40" the ticket lady said. "I'll pay" Calvin said as he took his wallet out and paid for both of you. You walked around with him and got into a couple of rides you were having fun. "Let's go pick out a pumpkin" you said as you and calvin went towards the pumpkins. You looked around and you saw different kinds of pumpkins. "Calvin which ones the best looking one?" You asked. But you got no reply "Calvin?" You said. You looked at Calvin and he was staring at someone. He was staring at Lisa you saw Lisa walk around holding some guys hand and when you saw the guys face you froze. It was him. It was you're ex the one that took advantage of you. You felt sick to your stomach you didn't know what to do. You stood there frozen and you saw Lisa walking to the pumpkins with her new boyfriend hand by hand. You saw Lisa looking at you and calvin and at that moment you felt calvin grab your waist and kiss you. You pulled back shocked and you decided to walk away as fast as you could. Everything was ruined. "Wait y/n!" You heard calvin say and you got to the car you stood there waiting for Calvin. "Y/n I'm sorry I don't know what to say I just"
"You used me you brought me here because you knew she was coming here"
"No it's not like that I didn't know why I did it..I didn't even know she was going to be here"
"Just leave it i thought you were a true friend but all you did was use me"
"No y/n I'm sorry I didn't know how to react i'm" before calvin could continue you cut him off "Just take me home" you said. You both got in the car and the drive was quiet. When you arrived home you got out of the car and didn't even say anything. You came into the house and it was empty. You saw a note on the fridge "I went out with friends ill be home mom❤" you went upstairs and changed all you could do is think about what happened. And that's when you started to cry. You lit up a cigarette and sat at the edge of your bed. "How could he?" You asked yourself. You just sat there crying wondering why from all people why use you.

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