Chapter 3 - "See You Tomorrow"

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We waved our hands back and forth, swaying to the music.

"This is the best place ever!" I told her.

"I know!" She agreed.

~ The Story Of My Life, I take her home,
I drive all night, to keep her warm and time
Is fro-o-ozen!" ~ Harry sang.


3 hours later

"Okay guys, unfortunately, this is the end of the show." Liam said, sadly. "But, we love you, goodnight London!" He shouted.

They left the stage and a roar of cheers erupted from the crowd.

"Come on!" Gemma shouted. She dragged me through the crowd, gripping my hand tightly, when soon enough, we went backstage. I couldn't believe that we were actually here, ready to meet the boys.

We entered a room, just as security let us through and

Holy Shit.

There, in front of us, were One Direction, looking as hot as fuck.

Harry was shirtless, engulfing himself in water, Liam was working out, Louis was shirtless, chasing Zayn, who also (may I add) was shirtless.

And there was Niall, (shirtless) sitting on the floor, breathing heavily and drinking water.

It's weird for them to work out after a show, but hell, I wasn't complaining.

"Hi guys!" Gemma shouted, overly loud, making me want to thump her on her forehead.

"Oh, great, why do security not do their job properly?" Niall shouted.

This wasn't the kind of attitude I would expect from him.

"Erm, you guys invited us!" I said, outraged.

"Who said we invited you?" Niall smirked. "Anyone could invite hot girls like you somewhere, but I prefer girls with a bigger IQ."

Not knowing what I was doing, I shot back. "I've got a bigger one than yours!"

"You wanna bet?" He asked rolling up his sleeves.

"Niall!" A familiar curly headed Harry shouted.

"What!" Niall yelled. "She started it."

"No I didn't!!" I screamed, ready to tear my hair out.

"As a matter of fact, I invited them." Harry said, plopping down on the mini couch, eating a banana.

"See!" I said to Niall, clearly annoyed.

"Everyone, this is my sister Gemma."

"Hi." She gripped onto my hand tight and I could tell that she was just as nervous as I was.

"And this is Gemma's friend Ellie."

"Hi guys." I blushed.

"You could have invited hotter girls." Niall said, with a cocky grin plastered on his face.

That's when I blew it. "You little-" I screamed, lunging at him.

"Woah there," Gemma said, tugging me back by my hood.

"Be polite and don't make a fool of yourself," She hissed.

I know she wanted to prove to Harry that she was all mature and that but right now, because he was her brother, I could only think of one way to describe her.


"Niall!" Liam said, shocked. "They're our fans, show some respect!"

"Hate to break it to you Nialler, but that was a bit bitchy." Louis said, agreeing. Niall glared at him and Zayn started tutting.

"Nialler, I think your getting a bit rough." Zayn agreed, stepping back.

"Shut up Zayn." Niall retorted.

I lunged at him at the most unfortunate time. I started running and I was meant to slam him into the wall but I ended up on top of him, in probably the most uncomfortable position. I started to get up, furious, but he held me down.

"What's your name?" He asked, that same smirk on his face.

"Ellie." I said, looking at him as if he was a boring maths teacher talking about an equation and I wanted to punch him in the face.

"Last name?" He enquired.

"What, are you some sort of interrogator?" I asked him.

I heard a few people shuffle behind me and I realised me and Niall were the only ones in the room.

I sighed, wanting to get this over and done with. "Anderson."

"School?" I got my fists ready but decided to take the easier path. "Oak Grove."

"Cool." He grinned.

He pushed me off of him, and we both stood up. Just as I was about to leave, forgetting why I was even here in the first place, he whispered something into my ear, his warm breath in contact with my skin, sending cold shivers down my spine. "See you tomorrow, Anderson." And with that, he walked off, leaving me all alone.

Yeah. Within the space of 10 minutes, I was fighting with Niall Horan of One Direction and tackling him to the ground. And what the hell did he mean when he said that he was seeing me tomorrow?! I stormed off, ready to find Gemma.

What the fuck was wrong with him?

You & I  (A Niall Horan / Harry Styles Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now