Chapter 14 - Awake

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I slowly lifted up my eyes as they were adjusting to the light. I looked around and saw machines and nurses all around me. 'What happened? Why am I in hospital?'

I looked up and saw a familiar mob of brown curly hair with blazing green eyes staring at me, his eyes red and puffy, along with another familiar face of blonde - brown hair with deep blue enchanting eyes, sniffing.

I opened my mouth to speak, my words merely a whisper. "W-what happened?" I croaked, looking at both of them.

"You-You fainted after me and Niall got into a fight." Harry sniffed.

Suddenly, flashbacks came back into my head. I remembered waking up and going to Harry's house, I remembered me and Niall going to Harry's house again, straight after, and I remembered falling onto the ground.

A nurse came in, looking moody. "Ah, about time your awake." She said in a tone that reminded me of Mr Walker. "Now, which one of you is her boyfriend?" She asked, looking at Niall and Harry.

"I am." They both said in unison, before looking at one another.

"Your both her boyfriend?" The nurse asked, her eyebrow raised.

"N-no, never mind." Said Niall, looking annoyed.

The nurse wandered out, looking amused.

"How are you feeling?" Harry asked, holding my hand. Niall looked pretty pissed but didn't say anything.

"I'm good." I nodded.

"Well that's great, because the doctor said you can go after you wake up." Niall said, pretending to look happy.

"Okay." I said, shrugging my shoulders. I looked down at my clothes and realised they didn't change me into a gown, thank goodness.

"Come on." Harry held out his hand.

I took it, walking down the hallway, Niall stumbling awkwardly behind. As soon as we got into the car, the same annoying question asked me for a response.

"So, erm have you decided?" Asked Harry, starting the car.

"Look, I need more time, okay guys. You both great, I just don't want you to fight anymore! Your friends and you shouldn't be fighting, I don't like it." I said, expressing my opinion.

Both of them went silent as we drove home, no one daring to speak. I opened the car door as the car skidded to a holt.

I opened the door as both of them looked at me worriedly. "Look, I'm fine, I'll see you both tomorrow at school." I said to them.

"But what will your parents think?" Harry mumbled.

I ignored him and walked inside. "Ellie!" My mum's voice shouted as she came rushing over to me. "Look mum, I'm fine!" I stated.

"How did you even faint? Me and your father had been worried sick!"

"Look, everyone faints once in a while, it's no big deal." I said, shrugging it off. "Can you please leave me alone now?" I asked my mum gently.

"Okay darling. I understand." She said, putting her hand on my shoulder.

Why is everyone fussing over me? I'm fine. I walked up to my bedroom and whipped my phone in my hand and unlocked it, seeing that I had 8 messages, 4 from Harry and 4 from Niall.

I sighed, opening them.

From: Harry - hi babe, please come over, I want to talk to you.

From: Harry - please?

From: Harry - hope ur okay xx

From: Niall - me and Harry are really sorry x

From: Niall - r u okay love?

From: Niall - come over?

But the last two weren't from Niall or Harry.

From: Nathan - Remember me?

From: Nathan - get ready

My heart stopped and I froze.


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