Chapter 26 - News And Fun

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This is quite a long chapter so I'm sorry about that but I think my writing skills have improved a bit? Please let me know your opinions in the comments and sorry for all the previous chapters, I have been getting writer's block but I'm trying my best to get this story back on track! Plus, my holidays are in a few weeks so I will be able to update My Brother's Best Friend! Thank you so much, ily all :) x


I think I lay awake for a long time. Harry was beside me. I couldn't get back to sleep. Gemma called me and said that Niall had quit the band, moved away, gone to a different school. I sighed. My life is so complicated.

Harry twitched.

I looked at him as his eyes fluttered open. "Who rang?" He asked.

"Gemma. She told me that Niall had moved away."

"Oh." Harry sat up.

"Well, at least you won't have to see him anymore. You can start your life afresh." He said, rubbing my back.

"I guess."

"Hey, let's go out for a walk. It will clear your mind."

I sighed. "Okay."


We strolled around, looking at the ducks in the ponds and the children playing. "Harry." I mumbled.


"I don't think I can ever continue my life without thinking about him."

He looked at me. "He broke your heart."

I sighed. "I know, and I wish he didn't."

"Let's just stop talking about him yeah? Me and the boys have kicked him out of the band anyway."


We sat down by the water fountain.

"It's funny you know. The thing that seems the most important to you one minute can be lost forever the next."

"I know." He looked at me. "Let's walk back home."

I took my shoes off and walked to the kitchen, getting a pan for the tea that I was making for Harry and I.

Harry put his legs up on the sofa and relaxed, stretching his arms out.

"Sugar?" I asked him.

"Yeah. Please."

I added sugar to his mug and brought it up to him while holding my mug of tea in my other hand.

"Thanks." He replied, taking the mug from my hand.

We both sipped the tea a little at a time. "This is so depressing" I chucked.


"We're both just sat here like old people, drinking tea and not doing anything." I laughed.

"No shit." Harry chuckled. "What do you suggest we do then?"

"Go out."


"I dunno, the shops or something?"

"To get what?"

I pondered for a bit. "We could bake a cake. I mean, if you could be arsed to."

Harry scoffed. "Obviously. Fine."


I grabbed a trolley and started pushing it inside the store, Harry walking beside me. I followed the signs and found the baking mixtures.

You & I  (A Niall Horan / Harry Styles Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now