Chapter 4 - "I Wanna See The Way You Move For Me Baby"

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Ellie's P.O.V.

I should be screaming right now. Yesterday, I met my idols, One Direction. Instead though, I'm dying. Niall is such a jerk.

I remembered what he said to me yesterday. "See you tomorrow, Anderson."

The words made my head spin and my tummy churn.

"Are you alright honey?" My mum asked, walking into my bedroom.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lied, grabbing my bag hastily. I ran down the stairs, avoiding her gaze and turned to open the door.

"Alright then, well have a good-" Her sentence was interrupted by my arm slamming the door.

I walked down the path, my hands in my pockets, breathing in the fresh air. I'm going to forget about Niall. He can't scare me. Just thinking about his voice made my blood boil.

I furiously opened the gate to Gemma's house and knocked on the door, several times. A pretty looking Gemma opened the door, her hair in neat curls hanging by the side of her face. It was pretty hard to be mad at her right now. She left me all alone with Ni- Him. I can't even say his name.

"Oh, hey El-" She started.

"Shut up." I interrupted her. I dragged her by the arm out of the gate and speed walked along down the path.

"Okay, then.." I heard her mumble.

"I'm not talking to you."

"You just did." I turned around and gave her the death glare and her smile instantly went away.

"What's wrong?" She put her arm around me.

"You left me all alone with Niall." I said, squinting at her.


"YOU LEFT ME ALONE WITH NIALL." I snapped in her face.

"Okay, I know your mad but he's not that bad."

"NOT THAT BAD?!" I screeched, making Gemma squint her eyes. "He is such an annoying jerk."

"I'm sorry." Gemma said, looking sincerely sorry now.


I looked at her straight in the eyes, trying to look scary. The corners of her mouth started twitching and she burst out laughing. "A milkshake!" She cried trying to hold her own two legs on the floor.

"Yeah, yeah." I waved it off but I even I couldn't stop smirking.

We walked to school, arms linked. Me and Gemma were the best of friends even though we fought pretty much all the time.

The school halls were packed full of the popular's, casual's, preppy's, nerds, the jocks, the jerks, and the normal ones. Our school was practically known for putting every person in a category.

We went to our lockers and packed our bags for English, and then walked to class.

"Hi Ellie!" Tessa smiled at me.

"Hi!" I grinned, giving her a hug.

Tessa McWilliams was the nicest person in the whole of Oak Grove. But don't think that she's soft or useless at sport. No, Tessa can always beat the pulp out of a jerk when she needs to.

I walked to my seat and got out my notebook, doodling cute pictures of kittens on the pretty pink page. Yes, I'm obsessed with kittens.


The annoyingly loud school bell rang and I quickly stuffed the notebook in my backpack before Mr Walker came in.

"Good Morning Class." Mr Walker's stupid nasally droning voice went on. "There will be a new student in our class today, and I want you be do your best to make him feel welcome."

I peered at the door, trying to see this new face.

Mr Walker went out of the room and came back in with a new person.

But this person wasn't new to me. I instantly recognised his face.

Oh No.

The most annoying jerkiest asshole of all time.

Niall Horan.


I stared at him. Suddenly, that voice came back into my head. "See you tomorrow, Anderson." So that's what he meant! It all fits together now.

He smirked at me.

I rolled my eyes and avoided his gaze.

"Now class, I need someone to show Niall here around school." He squinted his eyes through his glasses and scanned the class. I slumped low in my seat and buried my head in my arms so I was sure he wouldn't pick me. I peeked a little through my hands and saw his eyes looking at me.

"Ah, Ellie, you can show Niall around school, can't you?" I froze and looked up.

"Y-yes sir." I stuttered.

I dragged my feet out of my chair and walked up to Niall. He had a smug grin on his face.

"Come on then, Ellie." Niall said, winking.

I could practically feel the whole class staring at me. Not many people even recognised Niall because of the tattoos and piercings but I sure as hell recognised him.

I shot out of the door like a rocket.

"Hey!" Niall shouted in my ear.

I jumped. "What do you want, you little piece of shit." I hissed in his ear.

He chuckled. "Woah, feisty! Your supposed to be showing me around school."

"Fine." I said, my veins starting to pop out of my skin. "There's the lockers, those are the classrooms, those are the toilets and those are the changing rooms." I said in a bored voice, pointing in all directions.

I suddenly felt strong arms wrap around my waist, pulling me closer. Our noses were just brushing against each other. "Can I change with you?" He asked, his warm breath in contact with my skin. I could just imagine the smirk on his face right now, but I blushed, and my heart began to race.

He suddenly sang a song into my ear, and I froze, recognizing it instantly.

'I wanna see the way you move for me baby, I wanna see the way you move for me baby, I wanna see the way you move for me...'

His hands travelled to my waist and he pulled me even closer. Suddenly, his soft lips touched mine and our lips moved in sync. I can't believe we're kissing me right now. I should be disgusted.

But the weird thing is, I liked it.

You & I  (A Niall Horan / Harry Styles Fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ