Chapter 6 - "It's Not A Date"

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Ellie's P.O.V.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Gemma asked, sitting down at the lunch table beside me.

"That jerk is what's wrong." I fumed.

"Uh oh.. So what did he do?" Gemma enquired, squirting some ketchup onto her chips.

"He told me that he bet no one could touch me like he could and kissed me and he walked into the girls toilets and he said that I shouldn't try to kiss him because he has a girlfriend when he was the one who fucking kissed me!!" I said, all in a rush. "And I bet he doesn't even have a girlfriend." I pointed out.

"Wow! I missed that much in the space of twenty minutes!" Gemma chuckled, but her face went straight right after. "Your right, he's kind of a player though."

I scoffed. "Tell me about it!" I rolled my eyes.

"Where is he anyway?" Gemma whispered quitely.

I eyed the whole cafeteria until I saw a quiff of blonde - brown hair flirting with a slutty girl in my science class called Ashley.

"Over there." I told Gemma, quickly pointing to him and looking back down at my food.

"Mhmm." Gemma mumbled. "Stay away from him Ellie. He's no good." She warned.

"I know, I know." I muttered, playing with my chips.

Suddenly I saw the blonde haired freak come near me and sit down next to Gemma.

I eyed him as Gemma shuffled closer to me as if he were rat poison.

"So, El." He started, that cocky smile forever on his lips.

"Don't. Call. Me. El." I growled through gritted teeth.

"El." He teased, smirking.

I ignored him and looked around for Ashley. I eventually found her snogging a random dude's face off.


Niall followed my eyes to Ashley's gaze and smiled. "Ah, Ashley. She's fit, man."

I nearly spat out my food as Gemma's mouth was in the form of an 'o' shape.

"What?" He asked, slumping back.

"You're such a player!" I yelled, suddenly getting angry. I got up as Gemma followed behind. Abruptly, someone slid their hand around my waist and they gave me that tingly feeling. I knew exactly who it was.


He spun me around so I could face him as Gemma rolled her eyes.

"Babe, can I speak to you in private?" He asked me, folding his arms.

Babe. That word got to me. I wasn't his babe.

I looked at Gemma and then looked at him again. "Fine, but don't do anything weird, Horan." I said to him. Gemma sighed as she walked off.

"Come on." Niall led me to one of the classrooms nobody taught in and nobody went in. I let go of his grasp.

"What do you want, and it better be good." I said, tapping my foot impatiently.

"I want you." He whispered, backing me up against the wall, his arms either side of me so I couldn't get away.

"No Niall, go away!" I retreated but I didn't try to move.

"Feisty." He smirked, but he let me go.

As soon as I was about to turn, he spun me around with his hands on my waist, travelling up my arms. "We'll continue this later." He whispered.

"L-later?" I stuttered as his hands gave me that tingly electric feeling again.

"Yeah, Mr Walker told me all about this school project we were assigned to do while you were showing me around school and he suggested that I be your partner, so come round to my house tonight. We're breaking up for the summer holidays for six weeks anyway and he said that he'll give us both a detention if we don't do it." He said, staring straight into my eyes.

"I-I don't know where your house is." I gulped.

"I'll pick you up at Gemma's house, Harry will be there, just don't tell them anything." Niall whispered. Before I could go, his nose brushed against my ear. "Wear something nice for the date tonight." He smirked.

"It's not a date." I scoffed. "And it never will be."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that." Was the only thing Niall said before we walked to our seperate classes
What was I getting myself into?

And what would I tell Gemma?

Oh shit.

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