Chapter 21 - Jealousy on Dates

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I looked over at the side of me.

Harry was with another girl.

That hurt.

Why am I upset though? I picked Niall.

He smiled at her cheekily and held her hand. I looked at the girl more closely and was taken aback.

"Bloody hell, is that Kendall Jenner?" I asked, gobsmacked.

"What?" Niall asked. He looked over at Harry and his mouth widened. "Is that Harry?"

"Yeah." I frowned. I couldn't help being disappointed.

"Babe, if he's upsetting you, we can go." Niall said reassuringly.

I suddenly felt horrible. I was supposed to be on a date with Niall, a guy that I like but instead I'm worrying about Harry.

"No, it will be fine, I'm sure." I told him.


The waiter came up to us, smiling. "Your orders?"


Every now and then I was peering over at Harry, watching his every move. He reached his hand over the table and intertwined his fingers with hers.

Why couldn't I be her?

Ellie, stop it.

"Your orders." The waiter said, putting our dishes in front of us.

"Thanks." I replied.

"So." Niall started. "Why don't you tell me a bit more about yourself?"

I smiled. He really wanted to get to know the real me. "Well, I love music and singing! I'm a big reader too!" I grinned.

"The only book I've ever read is How To Kill A Mockingbird." Niall chuckled. "So, what else?"

"Well, I-" I was interrupted by the sight that I saw out of the corner of my eye. Harry and Kendall were now out of their seats and were having a very heated make out session. I hated the way she looked at him. I hated the way he looked at her.

Tears formed in my right eye and I quickly wiped it off my cheek with my sleeve. "Ellie, I think we should leave." Niall said, concerned.

I burst into tears, overwhelmed. But, although my eyes was blurry with the tears covering them, I thought I just saw Harry peer at me. He was frowning, but then carried on. This made me cry more. It's one thing to make me feel jealous, but why on a date?

"Okay, we're going." Niall frowned. He held my hand and quickly payed the waiter.


As we got into the car, I reached for a tissue, wiping my eyes. "I'm sorry for ruining our date." I apologised.

"Hey." He gently caressed my cheek. "You did not ruin our date! It was Harry's fault. I understand."

I smiled at him. He smiled back and slowly brought my hand up to his face, gently kissing it. I blushed.

Niall started the engine and began driving, putting some music on to lighten up the mood.
"Up next, One Direction!" A radio presenter announced.

Niall smirked as Story of My Life came on. I gently hummed it, smiling him every now and then.


I opened the car door and stepped inside Niall's house. "Since we didn't eat anything, you want some toast?" Niall asked.

"Yes please." I giggled.

I plonked on the couch and started to daydream. Man, I hate Harry.

"Here you go." Niall handed me a plate of three toasts.

"Why thank you." I replied.

I are the toast messily, bits and pieces of crumbs going on my T shirt.


Niall quickly pulled his phone out. "Oh, shit." He cursed.

"What?" I asked.

"I forgot! I was supposed to meet up with Paul and the rest of the boys about our new music video! I'm sorry Ellie, I have to go."

"It's fine, honestly, go." I quickly pecked his lips. He smirked cheekily and pulled me closer, kissing me passionately. I gently pulled him back. "Your going to be late." I smirked.

"I don't care." He grinned, pulling me closer.

"No Niall. Go."

"Fine." He snapped playfully. "But your gonna want this later." He growled before closing the door behind him.

I chuckled and leaned back.


'Uggh, there's nothing to watch!' I thought, flicking through the channels.


I groaned. Who the hell is it?

I dragged myself up from the sofa and opened the door carelessly.

My eyes widened.

There, in front of me, was Harry.

You & I  (A Niall Horan / Harry Styles Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now