1) Aria's POV:

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I woke up to see Lucius Malfoy grinning at me. Next to him was Voldemort.

"Ah. Awake at last I see. It wasn't too hard getting you. I guess we should have a little fun, shall we?" Voldemort smirked.

They stood back and I saw that Narcissa, Draco, Bellatrix and some other death eaters I don't know were crowding round me. All but Draco had their wand pointed at me. He looked at me and it looked as though he had panic and worry was racing through him. Draco and I were starting to become friends and he told me he was forced to take the mark in order to keep his father happy. His father was violent towards him as a child because he couldn't do much right for him and now he had been threatened with being murdered by his own father if he didn't take the mark. I liked Draco a lot and I worried about him.

"Crucio." all of the wizards who had their wands pointed at me shouted and I was held under the torture curse for what felt like a long time.

Maybe it felt longer because so many hit me with the curse. I just hope to god that Harry doesn't have to see this.

"Lucius. You may do the honour of being the first. I want to see this." Voldemort hissed.

Lucius picked me up from the floor and had me stand. He dragged me by my hair through dark corridors and shoved me into a room, causing me to stumble.

"Get on the bed now." Lucius barked.

I obeyed knowing this wasn't going to be good. He flicked his wand and my clothes were gone. I knew where this was going. Ropes then fired from the end of his wand and wrapped around my wrists and ankles, pulling them to the four corners of the bed and securely tying me in place.

"Now this will hurt and I don't want a peep from you. Scream and you will get this put in your mouth, got it." he slapped my face and waved a ball with straps in front of my face.

I nodded and allowed the tears to fall down my face. I saw Voldemort enjoying the sight in front of him. Lucius started whipping me and I bit my tongue. I wasn't about to scream. I wouldn't give them the satisfaction. He drew blood from me, all over I was red, blue, purple and sticky from the blood drying on me. It didn't matter to him, he just continued. I got slapped around the face for whimpering and he took a knife to me. He slit my cheek open and I knew it was really deep. He then took the knife and carved words into my body, not that I wanted to know what he was carving into me but from what he was calling me, I had a rough idea. Without warning, he threw the knife aside, jumped on top of me and thrust himself inside me. I felt a tear and then a trickling of blood. It was so much pain. Nothing I have felt before.

"Oh, you are so tight. I think you will be good for the others. Virgin I take it. Can't be this tight and not be. Well you are no virgin. Be grateful I took it from you. Most people would be dying to have me as their first." Lucius spat on me.

I felt him release and he pulled out of me.

"I take it she is acceptable Lucius?" Voldemort approached the man who was now getting himself cleaned up.

"Yes my lord. Let them in. Have the last on bring her into the meeting hall though. It means we can keep an eye on her." Lucius finished buttoning his robes.

"We will leave the others to their privacy. We can now talk." Voldemort lead Lucius out of the room.

Man after man came in and used me in every way imaginable and I got more bruises and cuts than I thought were possible. I was eventually dragged by my hair through to the room I was first in. I was dumped in a corner, barely able to think. I thought I was close to death. I had the cruciatus curse cast on me one last time before I went into unconsciousness.

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