4) Snape's POV:

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I walked into Malfoy Manor to find I was the last one here.

"Severus. We thought you weren't coming this evening." the dark lord smiled evily.

"I am sorry my Lord. Dumbledore decided he wanted to ask me questions about my whereabouts these past few months because he knows you are back and he is starting to suspect me. I told him it is purely for academic reasons and I am out picking herbs for my classes so I may not be here all night my lord and I apologise greatly for this." I rambled whilst I bent down to kiss his robes.

"Very well done to fool him. You have played your part expertly. Now as I was saying before Severus joined us, we have managed to get Wormtail into the castle and take none other than Harry Potter's sister. To be precise, Harry Potter's, godfather's daughter. I hope that through my connection with the boy, he will come to her rescue like he did with his godfather. Sadly, you all failed me by allowing him to escape and getting yourselves into Azkaban and I being your merciful lord, breaking you out again. What a waste of time. Now I am here with whom he will wish to save, I can kill him and I will rise to power once more." he hissed at everyone who was at the ministry that night.

Aria's limp body lay in a corner. She looked almost dead. Her breathing was shallow so it meant she was either finding it hard breathing due to an injury or she was on the verge of death and I wouldn't have long.

"Now Severus. You have news I trust." the dark lord turned to me and brought me out of my thoughts.

"As you know, Dumbledore isn't trusting me as much as he used to so I am not being told much from what is going on with the order but luckily some of the order members trust me completely. I found out that the Potter boy is being protected by many different spells and enchantments, impossible to break as they have used the fidelius charm in which no one but the headmaster knows who the secret keeper is. The secret keeper themselves doesn't know what charms are used and doesn't know the boy is protected by charms therefore doesn't know they are the secret keeper which makes it almost impossible to break the spells. We cannot attack the boy unless Dumbledore spills this information which won't happen and he is an accomplished occlumens therefore no one can read his mind. I am trying to get this broken and I am attempting in many ways to figure this out so we can get the boy and have him dead. It will take a bit more time and I don't know how long it will be until I get this completed but I assure you I will get the boy to you when I can." I rambled on a load of complete rubbish.

Being an accomplished occlumens myself, without the dark lord knowing this, I am able to hide what I am told. I am also the only one besides Albus that can lie to the dark lord in certain aspects, some things he just knows without having to read minds.

"You must try harder Severus. You aren't trying hard enough to get me this boy and I don't know what you are planning on doing but it better be snappy. I am very disappointed in you Severus. Crucio." Voldemort cursed me and I flew off my chair.

He held the curse on me and looked as though he was having delight in doing so. It was about half a minute I was under the curse until he took it off of me. I lay near by Aria but then I looked over at Draco. I couldn't leave him here.

"My lord." Draco spoke.

"Yes Draco?" Voldemort looked over at the boy.

"Professor Snape and I will be getting searched for. Dumbledore is suspicious as he sees me returning with Professor Snape. Also, we haven't had a go at our guest tonight so would we be able to do that before we leave, my lord?" Draco asked shakily.

I held my breath. The last time someone asked something of the dark lord they got killed.

"Why, so eager to learn. Severus knows the best way. He will show you. Draco, you take the guest to the room and have Severus follow you." The dark lord laughed.

I stood up on shaky legs as Draco came over and took Aria by the hair to drag her away. I followed him to the room where when inside he knelt beside her body and broke down into tears.

"Severus. I know you aren't really a death eater. You are a spy for Dumbledore. I want to leave. I want to get her safe." Draco sobbed whilst holding Aria close to his chest, cradling her gently.

"I have a portkey. It can get us from here to the infirmary. After tonight, he will know I am a spy and I will never be able to come back or he will kill me. Albus told me not to come back although I have always said I will be a spy until I die doing this. I am in bad shape so I will need to be in the infirmary for a while. I have been worse off. Now, I want you to get Madame Pomfrey and get her to look at Aria first before she even thinks about me. I won't last long being awake. I know I won't. Thank you for being here to help tonight. Grab hold of me." I whispered as I held onto Aria's arm.

Draco grabbed onto me and I bit down on the portkey. There was a mix of light and then the brightness of the infirmary. I felt the world spinning and I saw darkness. The last thing I knew was my head hitting the floor.

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