19) Remus' POV:

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Sirius lay on me, his head resting on my chest. We were breathless. I wrapped my arms around him to keep him close.

"Never thought that would happen. Best we've had." Sirius panted.

"I know. Do you think Aria will be awake?" it slipped out without me thinking.

"I don't know. How about we go for a shower and then head down to the infirmary and see." Sirius smirked.

I nodded and let him up. He refused to let me walk myself so he lifted me and placed me on the toilet seat whilst he turned the shower on. The shower was the best we have ever had too. Not to go into details but our legs will probably be like jelly for a little while. We got out, dressed quickly and headed to the hospital wing. We went down and Draco was sitting with Poppy, their backs to the door. We saw Aria was still unconscious and we heard a snippet of their conversation.

"There is no hiding it Draco. I can tell you love Aria. But you look an awful lot like your father. Not that I suggest you change but remember, she will be terrified of your father, maybe just as scared of you." Poppy smiled slightly

"We are really good friends and I don't want to ruin that but at the same time, I couldn't help but fall in love with her along the way. Do you know what I am talking about?" Draco looked up at her.

Sirius and I left before we heard what Poppy had to say.

"Draco?" Sirius questioned as we walked down a corridor.

"Well it will explain why he hasn't been causing mischief in class, behaving when he knows we are around, helping Aria when he can. It all adds up now." I smiled thinking about how he tried to woo her but at the same time impress us.

"I did notice he was behaving more in class and around us. I just thought he was growing up after all these years of being so petty." Sirius sounded as though he was unsure what to think about Draco being in love with our only daughter.

We walked in silence to the spot by the lake under the tree we used to sit under when we were kids. As though it were an unconscious movement, we both sat down, snuggling into one another whilst looking out to the lake.

"We could, maybe talk to him, see if he really does like her or if he is just going to break her heart." Sirius mumbled.

"I think if Draco Malfoy is to declare his love for our daughter, he must genuinely love her or he would never say it out loud. But remember, just because of who he is, the fact his father violated Aria, it doesn't mean he is the same. Harry mentioned something about when they all cast the cruciatus curse on her. Draco was the only one who didn't. If he risked his life to not torture her, he must genuinely love her." I pointed out.

"True. I just don't see them being a couple. Aria is a Gryffindor and he is a Slytherin. How more plain can it be?" Sirius started to get a little flame to his voice.

"Now, now Pads. Must I remind you that as a stand in teacher for Minerva you cannot show a dislike to a certain house despite the fact you were the official opposition for that house when you were here yourself as a student. Give them a chance. He hurts her in any way then you can let loose on him but until then, he is on our side. He is on Aria's side. Don't forget that." I warned him.

Sirius nodded but made a disapproving growl. The bell went to signify the end of the day and we got up lazily. Time to go to the quarters, see Harry, then go to dinner. We sauntered along and bumped into Albus. He noticed we were both grinning and had our hands linked together.

"Just the two I was looking for. I have received word from Madame Pomfrey that Aria is awake. She has opened her eyes but is a little disorientated. I asked if Poppy could not dose her up again with dreamless sleep until you both went to see her. Now head on down before dinner. Let me know how she is, won't you." Albus smiled brightly then left before we could speak.

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