2) Sirius' POV:

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Remus and I woke to a loud screeching. We looked at each other with our known glance and jumped out of bed. We barged into Harry's room and saw he was clutching his scar whilst in his sleep. He was having another Voldemort dream. We sat down either side of him on his bed and had to wait it out, we knew there was no way of waking him from this type of dream. After what felt like an age Harry sat up in a rush. Before we could speak he was violently sick over himself and the bedding. It made him pale further than what he already had. I vanished the vomit so it was just him in his sweat soaked clothes.

"Harry, calm down. Get your breath back." Remus soothed his hair down.

Sweat rolled down his face and large wet patches of sweat decorated his shirt.

"What happened kiddo?" I asked as I looked for a clean nightshirt.

"He has her. He has Aria. He came and took her. He was here. Outside the wards. Peter came in and took her. Peter was in her dormitory. He is torturing her. He used the cruciatus on her. Twice. All the death eaters first and then just him. I felt it when he used it." Harry panted whilst crying at the thought of his sister being taken by the person who wanted to kill him.

"Come on. We can go to Albus. He will know what to do." Remus helped Harry change.

I carried Harry to Albus' office and sat him in a chair opposite the headmaster. We explained what happened and what Harry had told us. Before the headmaster could reply, Severus burst into the office clutching his arm.

"He is calling for us. I must go Albus. I know you told me not to but I must keep up appearances. If I don't his suspicions will be confirmed that I am a spy. I can't lie to him and say you kept me here or he will know I am lying." Severus fell to his knees.

"Actually Severus, your cover will be blown after tonight as I have a job for you and it is of vital importance that you do this. I also have something that can remove that mark for good and you will never have to worry about this man again. But I need you to do something for us." Albus indicated to Remus and I.

"What is it?" Severus looked at us and seemed genuine.

"Aria has been taken. Peter got into the grounds and took her from her dormitory. The dark lord has her and he is probably planning on getting Harry to try and save her but we will make sure he is safe. I will give you a portkey and at the moment you are given a chance, I want you to get yourselves out of there. It is going to show who you really are and Voldemort will learn you are the spy. But to save a student from dying at his hands or losing our spy, I know what one I would prefer Severus." Albus' eyes twinkle slightly.

"He has Aria." Severus paled and held onto the wall for balance.

"It is of vital importance you help her Severus. I know you will succeed and when you do you cannot go back to him. I won't lose you to him. We need you here, alive and ready to fight." Albus didn't meet Severus' darkening eyes.

"I told you, I am spying until I die at his hand. I will save her but I will not get caught. I know how to do this." Severus winced.

"No Severus. I am ordering you to come with her and I order you to do this the way I have told you. I am telling you once you have done this, you are not to go back. Once you get back here you will get Poppy to treat you and then you will report to bed for rest immediately. Do I make myself clear Severus?" Albus snapped.

"Yes Albus." Severus bowed his head in defeat.

Albus activated a hidden one that all Severus had to do was bite down on it and it would transport him back to the infirmary and we would be notified when they get there. Severus hurried out of the office as fast as he could. Although Severus and I have never seen eye to eye, I know what he does is one of the most risky and dangerous things possible for the order so we have inside information so we can be one step ahead of the dark lord. I worry that he won't come back some times.

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