24) Draco's POV:

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Time has went past really quickly. Aria has changed. She is still the happy and upbeat person I fell in love with, she is still going strong, not letting that night take toll on her but she is wasting away. It is noticeable she is now almost skin and bones. She doesn't eat much at meals although I do try. She is now not sleeping at nights causing her to have large bags under her eyes everyday which she glamours if I tell her I see them. I walked behind Pansy and Aria, thinking about if I should say something to her or maybe her parents.

"Draco? Could I have a word with you?" I was brought out of my thoughts.

I saw Aria and Pansy had stopped to look too. I saw Remus standing there, looking concerned.

"It is about your work in class. I have to talk about your assignment you handed me for extra credit." his eyes flickered towards the girls and back.

It was clearly not about work and I knew it. I never did anything for extra credit, I have always been a good student for DADA. I went along with it though.

"I will catch up with you in class. Don't wait on me." I said to the girls.

I watched as they went down the hall and disappeared around the corner. Remus went into his classroom and I followed, closing the door after me so no one would interfere. I saw Sirius was there too and he wore the same expression.

"We wanted to know if you have noticed anything going on with Aria?" Sirius started.

"She is the same upbeat person I know, there isn't a moment when she isn't happy. If you are referring to the fact she is basically a skeleton with a layer of skin then yes I have noticed." I sat on one of the desks.

"Has she been in an argument with someone, struggling with stress or is there something we should know about that you know of that could be causing her not to eat?" Remus asked.

"The only thing I can think of is that night when she was hurt. But she seems to have managed to keep herself upbeat nevertheless about the whole situation because she isn't afraid. I don't think anyone has said anything to her about anything and she has always got her homework done the night she has it, she is cool with her studies. I don't know what it could be. I was actually wanting to talk to you about it and see if you knew anything." I wracked my brains for anything that I could have overlooked.

"Sirius and I collaborated and we have nothing. She seems to be fine but we can see she clearly isn't." Remus looked as though he was close to tears.

"I will keep an eye out for anything and let you know. Same goes, if you find out something please tell me." I stood up and went over to my DADA teacher.

"Of course. Now off you pop, class will be starting soon." Sirius smiled weakly and placed a hand on Remus' shoulder.

I left them just as Remus broke down and placed his face in the crook of Sirius' neck and Sirius was rubbing soothing circles into his back trying to calm his husband down. It was hard for me to see her like this, her parents were obviously going crazy mad over thinking about what could possibly be wrong. Aria is ill and she can't see it herself. She needs help and we will give her the help she needs.

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