9) Remus' POV:

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I went to my classroom, my last words ringing in my ears. I didn't really mean it when I pointed that at Sirius. I love him so much and nothing will ever change that. I overreacted at his assumption and there was no need. I guess that is what happens when you don't sleep for a full week. Well not properly at least. I don't think that 3 hours over the full week counts as good sleeping. I guess I really would need a nap. I had only afternoon classes and that was my older years anyway. Fifth years and seventh years. They would be easy going. Although it might be hard with Harry there. It wouldn't have been hard to have heard our conversation. There was a knock at the door of my office and I turned quicker than I should have. I hoped it was Sirius coming after me so we could talk it out and apologise.

"Oh. Harry. Come in." I smiled slightly and sat down at my desk.

"Just so you know. I heard your argument this morning. Sirius is really upset about it. He screamed at me to get out when I went to see if he was alright. I am worried about him but I don't want to go back and annoy him." Harry whispered.

"Harry. He didn't mean it. He was angry at me. As much as he loves you, he will not calm his temper for anyone. Once he is in a mood he is in that mood until he has thought about it for a reasonable time. Don't worry. He will come around." I reassured him.

"Did you mean what you said? That you have had enough? Are you really done with Sirius and...me?" Harry sounded as though he got a lump in his throat.

"No. I said it in the heat of the moment. You know I haven't been sleeping well. I haven't slept in a week. I am exhausted. I worry about you and Aria and Sirius and everyone else that I cannot sleep at night. It isn't easy and well, my mood is very unpredictable at the moment. I will sleep until the end of lunch and then teach classes and then go talk to Sirius. He will have calmed down enough by then. Now on you go to class." I smiled as much as I could, gave Harry a quick hug and then he left me alone.

I picked up my wand from my desk and transfigured the chest behind me into a bed. I locked my office door and sent a spell to lock the door of my classroom too so no one could come into the classroom without adult supervision. Then I set an alarm to go off just before the end of lunch. With that done I climbed under the covers. My head his the pillow and that was all I could remember.

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