5) Draco's POV:

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Severus went unconscious as we arrived on the infirmary floor and I sat with Aria in my arms.

"Madame Pomfrey." I shouted.

The medi-witch came running into the infirmary and went to Severus.

"Oh what has he done to you now my boy." Madame Pomfrey fussed over him.

"He said to tell you not to think about treating him until you have helped Aria. She is on the verge of death." I said.

"Alright. Get Aria onto the bed and I will get Severus onto one too." Madame Pomfrey instructed me.

I lifted Aria from the ground and carried her over to a bed where I laid her down gently.

"You are a wizard are you not? You could have levitated her." Madame Pomfrey's voice cut me out of my thoughts.

"She is light as a feather. It wasn't hard Madame Pomfrey." I whispered.

"Call me Poppy dear, it is much easier. What happened?" Poppy got potions and other things I didn't know what for.

"Well, she was taken into the room and about maybe 15 death eaters and the dark lord cast the cruciatus on her. Then my father and the dark lord took her away and they...they...I can't say it." I stuttered and broke down again.

Whilst Poppy did her work, I held onto Aria's hand, hoping that she would be alright. The doors opened and there were running footsteps. The headmaster, Professor Lupin and Sirius came to the bed side.

"Mr Malfoy?" Dumbledore questioned.

"I was called. He wanted me to hurt her. I didn't. They hurt her so much and I couldn't handle seeing her. They brought her in from where they took her and she was covered in blood and beaten then he used the cruciatus curse on her. That was before Severus arrived." I sobbed.

The most surprising thing is that Sirius came over to me and hugged me tight. I allowed myself to be comforted by him. He was one of the nicest people I have met and I did find myself shocked that now, after I started off terrified of him, I now think he is someone I can talk to.

"Draco, I think you should go to your room. Don't be seen." Dumbledore patted my shoulder.

"No. I am not leaving her. I was there. I know what happened. I have to stay with her. I have to." I continued to sob into Sirius' shoulder.

"Let him stay Albus. He is the one who brought her along with Severus. He knows." Poppy seemed stern.

"Alright." Dumbledore sighed and sat down on one of the chairs.

"Now. I have ran tests. She is going to have many scars from being cut so many times which it looks like they took a knife to her. The scars will stay in the form they were placed because the cuts were so deep. She has been beaten badly so bruises and welts will be painful for the next week or two. She has 5 broken ribs, broken left wrist, her right ankle has been dislocated and well, the rest you can imagine. I know you will not be ready to hear this and it will come as a bit of as shock. They raped her." Poppy looked down to Aria's lifeless form.

"Will she be alright?" Professor Lupin asked.

"She will recover fully physically. Mentally, I cannot tell you. But there is one more thing. She is pregnant with Lucius Malfoy's child." Poppy shifted uncertainly.

"My father, has gotten her pregnant?" I asked as I paled.

"Yes. Now. I have to ask you. Because she is under the age of the law to be carrying a child, as the parents you have a decision. Do you wish to talk to her about this or would you like me to stop the pregnancy now?" Poppy looked at Sirius then to Professor Black.

"Albus, Draco looks exhausted, I think you should take him to his room. He needs some rest after the events of tonight." Sirius said.

This time I didn't argue. I knew from what they were going to discuss they needed to do it as a family, therefore having Dumbledore leave too.

"Of course. But you will inform me of the decision, won't you?" Dumbledore took hold of me.

"Yes. But we need to discuss this as a family. We can't have anyone else here whilst doing so. Thank you for understanding Albus," Professor Lupin smiled lightly.

The last thing I saw was them hugging each other and then I was out of the hospital wing, walking towards my separate room.

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