Chapter 4

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"Guys, I have an idea. Just stay hidden." Justin said. I and Jonah did as he said and he left... at least I think. I could hear the door rattle, then the security guard came and opened the door. "Hello? Anyone?" There wasn't anyone, well except for Justin of course. I didn't know what was going on, so I just waited.

-------------Justin P.O.V-------------

When the security guard opened the door I slipped in. He walked back to his office.... but I decided to do a few tricks on him.... I mean it's the Halloween spirit now isn't it? I pushed something a janitor used and it passed him. He jumped and looked around. Next I ran upstairs, with heavy footsteps, next I turned the lights on. A basketball went down the steps. Now last part. I found some paint and what I did next gave him a giant scare. I spilled the paint on the ground... making the word BOO. When I finished, I stepped over the paint and whispered in his ear. "Boo." He screamed and ran away. Now that, was the funnest thing I've done since well... I don't remember.

----------Jessica P.O.V-----------

I waited for awhile and then I heard the door open. "Jess, Jonah, come on." I got up and ran inside, Jonah close behind me. "That took you awhile." I said as I ran inside. "Sorry, decided to do a little Halloween trick." I rolled my eyes and kept going to the science lab. "Jonah, make a reading, then we can find out what to do." He got a reading, and there was so many papers. "How will we ever read this all?" I stared at the paper. "I don't even understand it!" Jonah raised his finger and pointed at nothing really. "Ben!" I looked at Jonah like he was crazy. "What?" 

He shook his head. "Just come with me!" He ran out of the school and to the Halloween party, which was in the field. I ran with him and we searched for at least an hour. Jonah finally found Ben at the exit. "Ben! Get over here." Ben turned around and he looked at us, and he was focusing on me. "Um... Hi." He ran to us and stood beside Jonah. "I need your help right now Ben." The second the words rolled out of my mouth, it just seemed wrong. "Sorry... Jonah told me that um... you could help us." I handed him the papers. "Jonah!" He faced Jonah. "Why?" Jonah seemed to be okay with it. "Sorry, I had too. We have a big problem. Could you please read that?" Ben put his hand through his hair. "Why? What happened?" I glanced at my watch... only 4 hours left. "Uh, might as well. See, what happened was that, um... I may or may not have accidentally turned Justin...." Ben raised his brow. "What?" I looked him in the eye. "Invisible..." Ben looked up at the sky. "How long till this is permanent?" I looked at Jonah. "4 hours" I answered.  "oh. Well, we just need to redo this stuff, it's glucose, that's why it's 'eating' away at his cells." I shook my head. "Wow, smart Mr. Volton, smart." Everyone looked at me. "What? Anyways we need to figure out how to undo this." Justin must've seen something because something pulled on my sleeve. "Jess, a shed, we could do something there." I looked to the forest and sure enough, there was a shed. "Guys let's go." I ran to the shed and opened the door. Everyone followed me and we got inside. I closed the door behind us and sat down. "We'll need something to test this on." Ben said. I ran outside and got a branch. "Here." He smiled a little and took the branch from my hand. Then there was a knock on the door. "Whoever is in there, better get out. You aren't allowed in there."

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