Chapter 18

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They finally figured it out! I had told them how, and they did a few practices, but trust me, they didn't do it so well. Justin fell off the horse once and Jonah got it to rear a little, but luckily he stayed on it. Ben, he couldn't get the controls right, so he kept going the wrong way, but finally I got them doing it right. "Let's go, or else we won't be anywhere." I led, and they followed. We kept going around the valley and saw some great sights. My hair was starting to get messy but I really didn't care, and the boys seemed to take notice of all my happiness and such, even though they didn't ask.

I started to get my horse to do a trot a little, and I got faster, but not too fast. "Hey, how'd you make her go faster?" I looked back at the boys. "It's called a trot, and I just did this:" I showed them what to do and they did it. Ben's horse went into a gallop instead of a trot and I had to go after him and help him stop. 

"Slow down Ben!" I got my horse to hurry and we were pretty close behind him. "Sorry! I can't I don't know a thing about this!" I smiled and I rode after him. I turned my head back and yelled at the boys behind us. "Stop, and don't go anywhere, I'll be there when I get them." The smiled and got me to hurry after Ben.

"Pull the reins and say, 'heal girl.'" He tried, but didn't work. "Hee-ya!" I said to my horse and she immediately hurried. We ran like the wind after Ben and his horse. I got ahold of his reins and pulled and I said. "Heal." She finally stopped and that was that. "Phew, that was hard," I said. I pulled Ben's horse back to the boys and we talked on the way.

"I didn't know you were that good." I smiled and looked away. "Something I used to do."  I handed the reins back to him and he led the horse back. "Something you used to do huh?" He turned to me but I kept my look to the boys. "Since when?" I thought for a moment. "Since I was really young." He looked up and then back down. "Cool." 

We finally reached the boys and started heading for a lake that wasn't too far away. "So, how'd you get so fast?" Jonah asked me as he rode next to me. "When I was little, I lived on a ranch. I also took lessons." He seemed shocked, probably because he knew me so well, but now he doesn't know me as well as he thought he did. He'd never met my parents till this year, he never really wanted to. Since he only met one pair of them, he never really knew, and I wish I could keep it like that.

Justin rode next to me. "I never took you to a ranch." I rolled my eyes. "I know that Justin. I've gone alone too." he stared. "Oh." I kept going and stayed silent. Finally, I spoke. "Guys, I really want to see out there, and I want to ride fast. Can I go on? If you need anything you'll just have to call me. You know that." They took a glance and nodded. 

I went off as fast as I could getting the horse to run as fast as it would take me to the lake. She ran beautifully, her hair sometimes even touching my face. I held the reins carefully and held on. I could feel my hair bouncing on my back and sometimes flying in the wind. I looked back at the boys and they were staring wide-eyed, but I didn't care, I was free.

We ran down a hill, and I looked back, I couldn't see the boys on the other side of the hill. We ran faster and faster. Finally we reached the lake and I looked into it, I saw the refelection of a happy girl on a Palmino Horse. It was me, and that refelection was so different than what I was used to seeing. I smiled at the refelection and cocked my head. The picture in the water rippled and soon it was gone. The horse decided to walk in the water and I got splashed here and there, but it was fine, as long as I was on the horse. 

I didn't know what it's name was but I found a tag. It said: Artemis, Palmino Horse. "Well girl, your name is Artemis, I should get used to it." I smiled and we kept on going. We walked slowly and got a little ways around the lake. I wondered if Artemis could jump, I'd learn how to get them to, why not try? I did as I was taught and got her to jump over a puddle, she did it! I smiled happily and looked through a small sack that we had brought. I found a carrot and I gave it to her.

I got off the horse and set down. I held her rein and went to a tree. I tied her rein to a low branch and looked for the apple slices I packed for myself. I ate a few and put them away. Now I had to wait for the boys. So I sat by the tree and started to think about random things.

I saw the boys coming by so I stopped thinking and waved. They hurried their horses and got to me. "You guys took a long time." They shrugged. "You took it super quickly." I smiled and we sat down altogether.


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