Chapter 11

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I sat in the lab working the best I could. It was hard, but I did it. I tried, I didn't finish, but it's what I could do. I even felt a few drops of sweat dropping down my forehead.

"Hey, Jess?" I looked up and I saw Jonah there. "Yes?" I said with the calmest voice I could. "Are you okay?" He looked at the chemicals around me. "I'm fine." I said looking back at my work. There was silence, then he nodded slightly and looked up. "Jess, you aren't invisible." I looked up at him, and I could feel like I was gonna burst again, but I calmed down again. "Sure." He turned his head to the side and looked around the room. "Okay, to you, you are invisible, but to me, you are the most visible person I know." My head jerked to the side. "I told you... you don't understand, and you won't." He looked back at me, and he raised his hands. "Okay, whatever you say mi- I mean Jess." My head cocked to the side. "Excuse me? What...?" I stood up and shoved my chair in. "Are you trying to make my life worse?" He stood there for awhile. "No." I glared at him and he just stood there. "I can't even"

I walked out and Nick was there. "thanks for stopping them Nick." he looked at me. "Yea, no prob." I walked out and noticed that school would be over soon, so I just kept walking. I passed Ben, and probably Justin. Ben stared as I walked pass, but all I could do was not care and leave.

I sat outside on the steps and just sat there thinking. I didn't know if Ben, Justin, or Jonah might want me to be their friend anymore, I doubt they'd ever want me back. 

"Hey, Jess?" I looked up and standing on the step behind me was Mr. Ross. "Hi Mr. R." I looked back down at my folded hands. "Is something wrong Jess?" He sat down beside me. "Oh, It's nothing." He raised his head a little and nodded. I think he knew I didn't want to talk, he's known me ever since I came to school, he's seen me before I came to school, when he came to the orphanage I was in.


Is this the next thing or what????

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*I follow anyone who follows me, and I have a change of heart.... if you unfollow me, Guess I'll have to deal with it, and you know what, if i will go through things and maybe unfollow people who unfollow me... but plz do follow me.

Oh, and I have a shout out thing going on, go to my profile, click the tab 'Conversations' and find the one with *Important Announcement* There you will find the info.

Peace Out!

I'm Invisible | Completed and EditingTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang