Chapter 13

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------- Later that day in the evening --------

I was at home packing and I heard the door close, must've been my parents, or I guess former parents. I kept packing when I heard a knock at my door. "Who is it?" There was a pause then someone answered. "It's us, Jonah, Justin, Ben." I looked at my suitcase. "Come in." I said quietly. The door jingled and then they opened the door. "Packing already?" Justin asked. I nodded and kept on packing. "So what is it that you want?" They all stepped in, one at a time. "Nothing, we just wanted to give you this." Jonah held a card out and Justin gave me a bag, and Ben gave me a wrapped up box. "Thanks guys, you know you didn't have to do this." They nodded. "We know Jess, we just wanted to do anyways." I smiled and I put all the things on my now clean desk. "Thanks." They nodded and looked around my room. "It's really empty in here." Jonah said. I nodded in agreement. "Would you like us to help you pack?" Ben asked. "Well, there isn't much for me to pack, lots of these things aren't mine, and others will be thrown away." I looked at them. "Oh, well, I'll be in my room okay? Guys come on." Justin said. He left the room and I think I saw a tear in his eyes.

------ Justin P.O.V ------

"I can't believe Jess is moving out. All this time, I never liked her being in my home, I barely did." I run my hands through my hair. "But now, I just can't bare it." Jonah and Ben walked with me to my room. "Hey, Justin calm down." Ben said. I took a breath and I stopped talking. "Guys, we need to do something for her, she's been amazing, especially to me." Jonah said. "Yeah, you're right." Ben said, he opened the door to my room and we walked in. I sat on my bed, Jonah sat on the chair for my desk, and Ben sat on a beanbag chair. "What should we do then? I don't think we should throw her a great big party, having it's Jess." I said. They nodded and they were thinking. "Hey, maybe she'd like to go to a museum, or maybe go bowling?" Jonah suggested. "Or horse back riding maybe." Ben said. I looked up. "Good idea! We should go horse back riding!" Ben looked up. "Wait seriously?" I nodded. Ben shrugged, and I looked at a picture on my night stand. Ben and Jonah looked too, and they probably know what I was feeling.


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