Chapter 22

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Oh no, he just called me, no, no, no, this isn't happening. I just had to come up with something.

"Oh yeah, I did."

"Cool, thought you might." He said. "So, I was thinking, you and I?" I could hear a sigh on the other end. I know he was afraid to ask.

"I'm... I'm so sorry Nick, I can't... it's not just you." I finally admitted.

"I... I knew it..." He said, I could hear the pain in his voice.

"How did you know?"

"Because... um, well..." He started to ramble


"Ok, look, I hurt Ben too, and when I was young, I hadn't known why, but now I think I know why, I was trying to protect you, and not only that, but I was trying to make you.... make you mine." He confessed.

"Oh.... well look, I can't choose between you two okay?" I finally said.

I didn't hear anything on the other line, all I heard was a painful sigh. I felt a hot tear brimming in my eyes.

"Look, I have to go okay?" I finally said to him.

"Yeah, bye, but I just wanted you to know," There was a pause. "That I liked you because you were a good kid, you'd do whatever you could for your friends."

"Oh... cya."


I hung up and put the phone down on my night stand. I sat down on the bed, leaned on the head board and took a pillow. I hugged it tight to my chest and cried right into it.

--- later on ---

I heard a knock on the door so I wiped my tears, best I could. "Come in." I managed to say.

The door creaked open and I heard Mr. Ross's voice. "We're gonna have dinner soon kay Jessica?" He came in, wearing sport pants and a t-shirt, he had a basket-ball in his hand as he came in. "So, ready to eat?" He asked, clearly not noticing me.

I sniffed and he finally looked at me. My head still buried in the pillow.

"Oh Jess..." He sat by me and a took my hand. "What happened?"

"Well..." I said as I sniffed. "Ben and Nick like me, I like both of them equally, I don't know how to choose, I miss everyone and on top of that... I think Justin kinda maybe hates me, or is giving me the silent treatment."

"Oh Jess, it'll be okay." He said as he let go of my hand. He looked around the room and looked at all the posters and presents. "Hey, why don't you send them stuff?"

"I... don't have the heart, it'll make me cry, and frankly, I can't let my guard down."

He set his hand on my ankle and put the basket ball down. I felt tears falling down my face again and he got closer, and I set my head on his shoulder. I felt his strong arms around me as he hugged me, and I just cried into his shoulder as he stroked my back and head. He hugged me closer and I let him. My arms went around him and he hugged me tighter.

"It'll be okay Jess."

"I- I don't know about that." I said as I sniffed a little.

He was quiet and I sobbed silently. He stroked my hair and put his chin on my head, he lowered his head and kissed me on the forehead. "I wanted to give you something... but I guess now isn't the time." I tried to stop the crying, and I finally responded. "It's okay, go ahead."

He removed one of his hands from my back and took something out of his back pocket. It was a paper in a folder and he handed it to me. I looked up and wiped the tears away from my cheeks and opened the folder.

It was an adoption form.

I felt a smile on my face and I turned to him, I hugged him tight and whispered, "Thank you, thank you, thank you." I let go and he smiled.

"You except?"


I suddenly start to feel dizzy, the room was spinning and I couldn't see straight. I leaned on the head board and I felt the blood rush away from my cheeks. The only think I knew was for sure there was the folder in my hand and Mr. Ross's hand out on the bed. I grabbed it and held tight, I felt like was on the brink of life or death. My forehead felt like it was burning, my throat throbbed. I felt light headed, and I didn't know what was happening.

"Jessica?" He asked me.

I felt as if someone had stuffed cotton in my ears, his voice was muffled. I didn't know if I was sick or something, but I lost feeling at the tips of my fingers.

I could hear his voice, muffled but clear enough that I knew that he was worried.

Next thing I knew, I blacked out.


I hope you enjoyed! It has been fun doing this! hey please get me to 1k reads, and 50 votes!

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Cya Next time!


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