Chapter 20

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--- Nick P.O.V ---

Hey Jessica,

Hi, I just found out, you aren't here, and I wanted to give you something. I also really wanted to tell you something, really bad. Okay, here it goes...

I like you, a lot. 

I really mean it. I feel bad for all those bad things, okay? I'm sorry. It was.... a phase? I guess. I never really knew what it was with me.

I'm sorry okay.

I hope you enjoy your new life, call or write back when you can.



I put the envelope in and a gift I bought for her in the box. I carefully place it next to everything the others have put in. 

I hope she takes my message the right way.

I hear the doorbell ring and I head to the door straight away, since I was alone tonight with my little sister I was in charge.

I looked through the peephole and I saw Justin. I unlocked the door and opened it. 

"Hey," I said.

Instead of replying he gave me something like a stink eye.

"Uh.... so.... what are you doing here?"

He raised his eyebrow and stared, then he burst.

"Why do you have her box?!?!?" 

I was taken aback when he burst. Then I heard small footsteps behind me.


I turned around and stared. It was my little sister, Lily.

"Lily what are you doing up?"

"I heard someone yelling." She replied quietly. She held her teddy bear tightly to her chest.

Justin looked over my shoulder and was really surprised.

"You have a sister?"

"Yeah," I replied

"Hey," he said. "I'm Justin, what's your name?"

"I-I'm Lily," She stuttered.

"How old are ya?"

"I'm this many," She said holding 5 fingers up.

"Wow! You're such a big girl!" Justin said to her.

She smiled and walked into the living room and started playing with dolls.

"Now.... mind explaining Nick?"

"Yeah, I just wanted to talk to her, but I didn't have her email address or anything so I decided to ask Jonah to help, but he told me to do this instead."

"Ah, what do you want to tell her?"

"It's none of your buisness Jackson!"

"You can take something out on me, but you can't on my sister!"

"She isn't your sister anymore. Don't you know that? Or are you just that blind?"

"She may not be my true sister but in here she is." He said making a fist and  pounding it once on his chest.

"Fine, ya wanna see a fight?"



"Ok, that was quick."

I smiled slightly. "You have no business in knowing what I have to say to Jess."

I'm Invisible | Completed and EditingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora