Chapter 9

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"Jess!" I could hear them shouting out behind me. All I could do was run as far away as I could. I ran outside the doors and took a sharp turn to the left. There was a place in the school that not many people knew of, so I ran there, not even Jonah knew about it. I couldn't hear them behind me and I stopped, it was a small garden and there was a small fountain in the middle, a seat that swung and a stone bench. I took a seat in the swinging seat and just rested.

"Jess?" I looked up and there was Nick. "Yea?" I looked at my hands and then he sat beside me. "You okay?" He looked at me and then I looked up so I could somewhat face him. "Yes I'm fine." He looked away. "Do you forgive me?" I looked at him and he looked at me. "Of course I do." He smiled and looked at his hands. "How did you know to find me here?" I asked. He looked up and to the other side of the garden. "This is where I went when I felt... alone, hurt or well you know." I nodded. "How did you know I'd be here?" He looked at me. "It's the reason I stopped bullying you." I looked at him in the eyes. "You watched me here?" He took a second to think. "Well, I saw you come here, and I thought 'wow time to do more stuff.' then I saw you sit down in the garden and I saw you crying. So I stopped." I stared at him and he looked away.  

"Nick, by any chance, were you ever bullied?" He shook his head. "Never." I nodded and folded my hands. "Has much been going on Nick?" He nodded, "A lot." I looked up and saw that he was crying. "What's been going on?" He looked at me with his tear filled eyes. "Divorce with my parents a few years back, mom has... left. Dad doesn't want me." I looked at him, and I wanted to give him a hug or something, but I just couldn't. "I'm so... sorry." He wiped the tears from his eyes. "It's fine."

Then Ben came running in. "Oh! Jess.... finally?" 

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